45 commits
to master
since this release
Eclipse Dirigible - 10.6.50
The lates release notes are available here.
Note: All released versions can be found here.
250+ Maven dependencies can be found here.
To install Eclipse Dirigible with Helm go to the Setup with Helm page.
All Helm charts, with detailed explanation, setup and configurations, can be found here.
helm repo add dirigible https://eclipse.github.io/dirigible
helm repo update
helm install dirigible dirigible/dirigible --version 10.6.50
Docker images:
- dirigiblelabs/dirigible - All-in-one docker image - recommended for local test & development.
Note: All Docker images are availalbe here
Available for download *.war
- application-all - All-in-one package - recommended for local test & development.
Note: Unzip the downloaded file to extract the
For more information go to https://www.dirigible.io/help/setup/.