Create an interactive heatmap of parking tickets in a region. Project designed for the final project in McMaster CS second year course 2XB3 Cs Practice & Exp:Theory To Practice. Currently only covers the region of Washington DC, as that's all our dataset had data on; as per project guidelines we were restricted in data sources. That said we have no plans to expand that scope.
- git clone
- When Intellij starts up on the Welcome Screen select import project.
- In the following dialogue it will say select file or directory to import, select /src/build.gradle
- Once Intellij finishes building your work environment you should be able to run it by running the file.
- Go to localhost:8080 in browser and it should return a massive array of Entry objects.
- git clone
- From eclipse go to Import from the File menu
- In the following context screen navigate to Gradle/Existing Gradle Project
- Select the cloned "hazardparking" folder as your root directory
- Keep selecting next until eclipse begins installing everything.
- Run (it might suggest using gradle to run you dont need to) and navigate to localhost:8080 in your browser.
We used Spring's "Working a Getting Started guide with IntelliJ IDEA" in order to bootstrap a functional Spring RESTful Web App environment that we could work with, then removed their class files for our own and customized the environment while removing unneeded files.