Note: README is a little outdated
Hello, this is my collection of dot files. I run Arch,
a minimilistic linux-distro which gives an extremely light weight operating
system at the cost of many hours/days/weeks required to learn the ins and outs
of managing your own system, aided by the wonderful arch-wiki
and the pacman
package manager.
Below is a list of a few key points of my setup:
I primarly use Vim for most things text related.
The colorscheme is 'nightsense/stellarized' dark with a custom coded buffer bar at the top.
Some core plugins in no particular order:
- vimtex - For LaTeX related things
- vim-fugitive - Git intergration
- YouCompleteMe - Auto-complete
- Syntastic - Intergrats with linters and syntax checkers
- Ultisnips - code snipppets
- NERDTree - Tree like file navigation
- CtrlP - Fuzzy file searcher
- CtrlSF - Fuzzy text searcher
As my shell I use ZSH with oh-my-zsh as a plugin manager. There's not too much fancy going on here except the use of powerline10k as the prompt and zsh-autosuggestion for autocomplete suggestions.
My .zshrc has a few bits and bobs to help manage tasks, some custom PATH additions
and some sanity checks... My favourite is warning about the usage of pip install
while outside of a virtual env, it's saved from dependancy issues on too many occasions.
As a window manager, I use Qtile, a window manager written and configurable entirely in Python. Orginally I used i3wm but my love of Python and a need for a fresh look got the better of me.
The entire look is custom made and will continue to be updated!
An upgrade of the classic dmenu, the
launcher rofi can act run any programs
, switch to any open windows, fuzzy find through user files or
even act in custom configured ways such as filter through user specified
config files or even ssh into remote hosts.
I did some extra customization on it's appearance to fit the general aesthetic used for vim and Qtile
Kitty is a GPU based terminal which supports many modern terminal features and has a very simple configuration.
Perhaps the biggest sell initially was simply ligatures, true-color, bold,
italics and bold-italics in a terminal along with its fast GPU based
rendering (cat log.txt
never stood a chance). I've still never
had an actual issue with the terminal yet so I'll take that as a good sign.
However, any software which uses a $TERM
and compares it against a
hard-coded list often does not include kitty
and so some linux foo may
be required here and there.
I mainly used Fira Code Mono for most editing, manually gotten
from here but also installed by
I write documents in LaTeX so I've slowly been expanding a preamble
and i've made a quick document class I use for casual documents.
Normally I just navigate through a shell but having a file manager is handy, dolphin seems quite nice but I havn't spent the time to configure it to look nice yet.