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Pong is a simple 2D table tennis arcade game created by Atari in 1972.

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  • Python 3.x
  • Pygame

You can install the required packages using pip:

pip install pygame

How It Works

This is a simple Pong game implemented in Python using the Pygame library. The game features two paddles controlled by different players and a ball that bounces off the paddles and the screen's top and bottom edges. The objective is to score points by getting the ball past the opponent's paddle.

Game Controls

  • Player 1 (Left Paddle):
    • Move Up: Press W
    • Move Down: Press S
  • Player 2 (Right Paddle):
    • Move Up: Press the Up Arrow
    • Move Down: Press the Down Arrow
  • Start the Game: Press Spacebar

Running the Game

To run the game, execute the script:


The Pygame window will open, displaying the grid and the current state of the cells.

Code Overview

1. Game Setup:

  • Screen Setup:
    • Screen dimensions are set to 960x720.
    • Colors are defined in RGB format (e.g., black and white).
  • Initialization:
    • pygame.init() initializes the Pygame library, which is necessary for running the game.
    • screen = pygame.display.set_mode(...) creates the game window.
    • pygame.display.set_caption('Pong') sets the window title to "Pong".

2. Game Elements:

  • Paddles and Ball:
    • Paddles (paddle_1_rect, paddle_2_rect) are created as rectangular objects with a specific position and size.
    • The ball (ball_rect) is also a rectangle, positioned in the center of the screen initially.
  • Movement:
    • Variables paddle_1_move and paddle_2_move are used to track the movement of each paddle.

3. Ball Reset Function (reset_ball()):

  • Position Reset:
    • The ball's position is reset to the center of the screen.
  • Random Speed and Direction:
    • The ball's speed (ball_accel_x, ball_accel_y) is set randomly within a certain range.
    • The direction of the ball is randomized.
  • Returning State:
    • The function returns the new speed values and a flag (started) indicating whether the game has started.

4. Game Loop:

  • Event Handling:
    • The game loop handles user inputs (e.g., pressing keys) to move paddles or start the game.
  • Movement and Collision:
    • Paddles move based on user input.
    • The ball bounces off the top and bottom edges of the screen and the paddles.
  • Score Handling:
    • The scores are updated when the ball goes out of bounds on either side.
  • Ball Reset After Scoring:
    • The ball is reset to the center after a score, with new random speed and direction.

5. Rendering:

  • Drawing Elements:
    • The paddles, ball, and scores are drawn to the screen using pygame.draw.rect() and screen.blit() for the text.
  • Screen Update:
    • pygame.display.update() updates the display with the latest drawn elements, effectively refreshing the screen.

6. Frame Rate Control:

  • Clock:
    • clock.tick(60) is used to control the game's frame rate, ensuring smooth movement and consistent timing at 60 FPS.


Pong is a simple 2D table tennis arcade game created by Atari in 1972.







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