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jeedom for rapsberry pi: updated base image, added https support, healtcheck, handle services with supervisor.


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Docker buildx armhf+amd64 v3 Docker buildx armhf+amd64 v4

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Docker Size v4 ImageLayers v4

Docker Size v3 ImageLayers v3

Forked from

Last Version Commit Date
v4.4.19 24/10/24
v4.4.15 04/09/24 changes in vars to match newly added vars in jeedom/core docker image. MARIADB_* are stille supported.
v4.4.9 24/07/24 major change in repo, master branch replace v4-stable. move to bookworm
v3.3.60 23/01/02 / branch deleted on 2024/07/22. V3 build disabled

/!\ Asof 2024/07/30, v4-latest docker tag is now based on bookworm (v12). many plugins are still migrating to v12. /!\ Asof 2023/01/02, v4-latest docker tag is now based on bullseye (v11) as zwave plugin has migrated to zwave-js-ui plugin. v4-buster-latest (v10) is available for plugins not compatible with debian:bullseye (V11).

/!\ According to jeedom, 3.3.60 will be the last update to v3.

A Jeedom Docker image for amd64 (PC), arm64 (Raspberry Pi 3/4), armv7 based on debian image.

Difference from fork:

  • Update image, install a version at build time
  • Use supervisor to handle cron, apache and logs. (allow proper shutdown through PID 1 signal)
  • Image is ready to use
  • Updated base image: debian bookworm-slim
  • Added https support
  • Healthcheck
  • Handle services with supervisor.
  • Able to redirect apache logs to stdout ( disable fail2ban as logs are not files anymore)
  • At run time, can enable xdebug for dev purpose. (wip, Env var : XDEBUG=1)
  • When logs are not redirected to stdout, fail2ban is protecting services.
  • Admin password is resetted to admin

Please note that:

  • jeedom version (V3 or v4) will be downloaded during image building, so the core project is the version at build time.
  • Jeedom V3 (named release) is deprecated. Image is built, but v4 is my daily drive.
  • If you wish to use zwavejs plugin, see zwavejs section.
  • upon upgrade, if no environment variable JEEDOM_ENCRYPTION_KEY is set, the jeedom_encryption key will be changed, and decryption of encrypted values will be impossible. You can either restore a jeedom backup, set the JEEDOM_ENCRYPTION_KEY variable, or have a SQL update query ready to reassign these values: apipro, apimarket, samba::backup::password, samba::backup::ip, samba::backup::username, ldap:password, ldap:host, ldap:username, dns::token, api (field names are extracted from L27: jeedom_core:/core/class/config.class.php) that key can be generated (genkey core/class/config.class.php) using: cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '0-9a-zA-Z' | fold -w 32 | head -1 and mounted as a binded volume Plugins store encrypted values (enedis, may be others ..), so association will have to be done again.

Images are build for arm/v7, arm64 and amd64

This readme shows a Dockerfile of a dockerized Jeedom based on a debian bookworm slim image. The mysql database is based on linuxserver mariadb image on a distinct container.

Jeedom major version is given as a parameter, release if for jeedom v3, master for v4.

Docker Hub:

Base Docker Images

page for plugin status: compatible / incompatible bookworm


the docker-compose files are proposed as an example to build a running jeedom + mysql stack. mysql database is on a separate container. example:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
  1. Install Docker on your Raspberry pi.

  2. Rename docker-compose-armhf.yml to docker-compose.yml and define values in environment section.(mysql database, architecture disribution (amd64-debian, armv7hf-debian ), jeedom version (release).

version values for jeedom version: v3/v4

* service web
  image: edgd1er/jeedom-rpi:v4-latest
  image: edgd1er/jeedom-rpi:v3-latest
  1. build and start the stack:
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build

4.Connect to your Raspberry IP or x86, at port 9180, or 9443 with a web browser and enjoy playing with Jeedom.

Environment variables

The Jeedom user should be existing in the remote database. Mysql Root password should be in the command line that run the container. If the DB_NAME schema does not exists, it will created. if LOGS_TO_STDOUT is set to yes, apache logs are sent to container's stdout.

      - ROOT_PASSWD shell root password
      - DB_HOST mysql hostname
      - DB_PORT mysql port
      - DB_NAME mysql Database name
      - DB_USERNAME mysql jeedom username
      - DB_PASSWORD mysql username password


To upgrade jeedom two options:

  • fetch new image and create a new container, be sure to have the JEEDOM_ENCRYPTION_KEY env var set, so the new container will be able to decode data in database.
    • pros: start with a clean image. container size is reduced.
    • cons: have to re-install plugins or re-run all plugins dependancies install.Either have plugins mounted on a host directory, so you don't have to install the plugins, only dependancies are required which /root/
  • Use jeedom's upgrade feature. be sure to disable image update.
    • cons: your container is not coming from a tested image anymore. After update the container may have problems. With time, the container's size will increase. 1 version = 1 image is not true anymore using this way to upgrade.
    • pros: no plugins dependancies to install

JEEDOM_ENCRYPTION_KEY's value is to be found in /var/www/htmldata/jeedom_encryption.key

  • Work in progress: /root/ No automatic launch, run: /root/ -h for help
    • Install dependancies (-d)
    • Fix pushbullet'plugin.(-p)
    • Fix meross's plugin (-p)
    • Change zwave plugin to use zwavejs-ui in an external container with a specific version (-z)
    • Change zwavejs-ui required version, disable local installation (project, node, yarm, ...). Expect a running container or service aside. export E_ZWAVEVER to set zwavejs-ui version to accept: example: export E_ZWAVEVER="9.8.2"


the hereunder variables may be replaced by secrets:


create a file with that name in the docker-compose.yml's directory.

https support

default certificates are generated during apache's configuration. Mounting or copying the file to /etc/ssl/certs as shown below will expose your certificates.

      - ./webdata/cert.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem:ro
      - ./webdata/privkey.pem:/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key:ro


after each image update jeedom is installed, restoring a backup is the way to have a system as before the update. With docker, you may use volumes to keep data through image updates. No volumes are defined within the image.

/!\ /var/www/html/logs (plugins logs) and /var/logs/ (system logs) may clutter the container. It should be mounted in a volume.

Container volumes content
Mysql /config database config+data
jeedom /var/log system's logs
jeedom /var/www/html/log jeedom plugins logs
jeedom /var/www/html/plugins jeedom's plugins
jeedom /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem jeedom's https certificate
jeedom /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key jeedom's https certificate
jeedom /var/www/html/data jeedom custom data (img,css, ...)
jeedom /var/www/html/backup jeedom backup dir
jeedom /var/www/html/tmp jeedom temp dir
jeedom /var/www/html/log/ jeedom log dir

Example of a docker-compose

    image: edgd1er/jeedom-rpi:v4-latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "80"
      - "443"
      - "9180:80"
      - "9443:443"
      - backup:/var/www/html/backup/
      - data:/var/www/html/data/
      - /var/www/html/tmp/
      - /var/cache/
      - /root/.cache
      - TZ=Europe/Paris
      - ROOT_PASSWD=rootPassword
      - DB_HOST=mysql
      - DB_PORT=3306
      - DB_NAME=jeedom_test
      - DB_USERNAME=jeedom
      - DB_PASSWD=jeedom
    #   devices:
    #   - "/dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0
    #   - "/dev/ttyAMA0:/dev/ttyAMA0"
      - mysql
    image: linuxserver/mariadb:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "3306"
      - "3316:3306"
      - TZ=Europe/Paris
      - DB_ROOTPASSWORD=changeIt
      - DB_DATABASE=jeedom_test
      - DB_USER=jeedom
      - DB_PASSWORD=jeedom
      - sqldata:/var/lib/mysql


in Jeedom, application, static files and configurations are not always distinct. Container needs a strict separation between application, static files and configuration, either to mount a volume or use a bind volume. As a result, jeedom container upgrade is not as easy as it could be. many files (static and configurations) are losts. Here is a list of folder where either static or conf files lost after each upgrade:

  • /var/www/html/data/jeedom_encryption.key
  • /var/www/html/data/customTemplates/dashboard
  • /var/www/html/data/img
  • /var/www/html/data/fonts


At the moment, Jeedom can handle my roller shutter, fibaro plugs, stella Z radiator and fibaro door sensors. It may not be effective or applicable to your setup.

Official plugin will install mqtt package, mqtt plugin, node, clone zwavejsUI, build a container. the plugin will start a container to run zwaveJsui. all that add more than 600Mb in the container and add too many dependancies.

What needs to be done, to have a lighter container:

  • run a mqtt container with jeedom settings in jeedom's network.
  • Define an external mqtt in mqtt's plugin.
  • run zwaveJsui container in jeedom's network
  • alter code so plugin validates that installation, processes mqtt commands, communicates with zwaveJsUI container.

The hereafter commands will:

  • remove package dependancies (node, zwave, docker run)
  • alter daemon start, status so nothing is required as all requirements are external to the container.
  • alter code so it will be compatible with 8.6.2's version of zwaveJsUi.
  • copy mqq data and redefine mqtt plugin config.
# copy mqtt data to external folder
  docker compose cp web:/var/www/html/plugins/mqtt2/data/* mqtt/
  sed -i "s#/var/www/html/plugins/mqtt2/core/class/../../data#/mosquito/config#" /root/containers_conf/jeedom/mqtt2/mosquitto.conf
#change version expected: zwavejs/core/config/zwavejs.config.ini: wantedVersion=8.6.1
  docker-compose exec web sed -i 's#^wantedVersion=8\..\..#wantedVersion=8.11.0#' /var/www/html/plugins/zwavejs/core/config/zwavejs.config.ini
  # do not clone zwavejs ui
  docker-compose exec web sed -i -E  's/git clone --branch .*//g' /var/www/html/plugins/zwavejs/resources/
  # do not install zwave js, nor dependencies
  docker-compose exec web sed -i '/npm/,+2d' /var/www/html/plugins/zwavejs/plugin_info/packages.json
  docker-compose exec web sed -i -E  's/sudo yarn.*//g' /var/www/html/plugins/zwavejs/resources/
  docker-compose exec web sed -i -E  's/cd zwave-js-ui//g' /var/www/html/plugins/zwavejs/resources/
  # zwavejs.class.php: remove yarn start / node is not local
  # remove yarn start / node is not local
  docker-compose exec web sed -i -E  's/ yarn start//g' /var/www/html/plugins/zwavejs/core/class/zwavejs.class.php
  # node is not local: simulate daemon detection
  docker-compose exec web sed -i -E  's#server/bin/www.js#php#g' /var/www/html/plugins/zwavejs/core/class/zwavejs.class.php
  # remove node modules check as project was not cloned.
  docker-compose exec web bash -c "mkdir -p /var/www/html/plugins/zwavejs/resources/zwave-js-ui/; touch /var/www/html/plugins/zwavejs/resources/zwave-js-ui/node_modules"
  #docker-compose exec web sed -i 's#/../../resources/zwave-js-ui/node_modules#/../../resources/no_zwave-js-ui#' /var/www/html/plugins/zwavejs/core/class/zwavejs.class.php
  # detect nodeID_XX as XX
  echo "in zwavejsui uncheck 'Use nodes name instead of numeric nodeIDs' in parameters"
  # log debug unknown key
  docker compose exec web sed -i "s/'\.__('Le message reçu est de type inconnu', __FILE__)/, key: '.\$key.__('. Le message reçu est de type inconnu', __FILE__)/" /var/www/html/plugins/zwavejs/core/class/zwavejs.class.php

A similar method, is suggested with this repository: the idea is the allow directly in jeedom to use a distant container.

Fixes broken plugins: pushbullet, speedtest

# pushbullet: replace object with jeeObject
  docker-compose exec web sed -i 's/(object/(jeeObject/' /var/www/html/plugins/pushbullet/desktop/php/pushbullet.php
  docker-compose exec web grep -iP "\((|jee)object" /var/www/html/plugins/pushbullet/desktop/php/pushbullet.php
  # pushbullet: change tmp path
  docker-compose exec web sed -i "s#path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+'/../../../../tmp'#path = '/tmp'#" /var/www/html/plugins/pushbullet/ressources/pushbullet_daemon/
  # pushbullet: activation du log du daemon
  docker-compose exec web sed -i 's#/dev/null#/var/www/html/log/pushbullet_daemon.log#' /var/www/html/plugins/pushbullet/core/class/pushbullet.class.php
  docker-compose exec web sed -i "s#/tmp/pushbullet.log#/var/www/html/log/pushbullet.log#" /var/www/html/plugins/pushbullet/ressources/pushbullet_daemon/
  # pushbullet: replace obsolete websocket
  if [[ 0 -lt $(docker compose exec web bash -c "ls -l /var/www/html/plugins/pushbullet/ressources/pushbullet_daemon/websocket"| wc -l) ]]; then
    docker-compose exec web bash -c "mv /var/www/html/plugins/pushbullet/ressources/pushbullet_daemon/websocket /var/www/html/plugins/pushbullet/ressources/pushbullet_daemon/websocket.old"

  docker-compose exec web bash -c "sed -i 's#nice -n 19 /usr/bin/python #nice -n 19 /usr/bin/python3 #' /var/www/html/plugins/pushbullet/ressources/pushbullet_daemon/"
  docker-compose exec web bash -c "sed -i 's# file(# open(#' /var/www/html/plugins/pushbullet/ressources/pushbullet_daemon/"
  docker-compose exec web bash -c "apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python-dev;/usr/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip websocket websocket-client"
  # Meross
  docker-compose exec web bash -c "apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends g++ python3-dev; pip3 install --upgrade pip meross_iot"


Githud Address :


jeedom for rapsberry pi: updated base image, added https support, healtcheck, handle services with supervisor.








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