OSX LaunchAgents
git clone git@github.com:advectus/osx-launch-agents.git ~/osx-launch-agents
cd ~/osx-launch-agents && bundle install
./bin/osxyz add_agent ~/bootstrap.sh
./bin/osxyz remove_agent "com.advectus.zhmsorlhx50bxx8t5f9wt5utmsdz7xg.plist"
./bin/osxyz list_agents
~/Library/LaunchAgents Per-user agents provided by the user. /Library/LaunchAgents Per-user agents provided by the administrator. /Library/LaunchDaemons System-wide daemons provided by the administrator. /System/Library/LaunchAgents Per-user agents provided by Apple. /System/Library/LaunchDaemons
launchctl list
launchctl remove com.spotify.webhelper
launchctl remove com.evernote.EvernoteHelper
cd /Library/LaunchDaemons
sudo launchctl list | grep ^[0-9]
sudo launchctl bslist | grep ^A
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.discoveryd.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.discoveryd.plist
check information on kernel usage
sudo zprint -t
sudo zprint -t -s | head -n20
report on syscalls
sudo syscallbypid.d
sudo syscallbysysc.d
new processes as they are executed
sudo newproc.d
new files
sudo creatbyproc.d
free inactive memory: force completion of pending disk writes, force disk cache to be purged
sync && sudo purge
apple diagnose
reset SMC
reset computers PRAM