Automatic Mongoose REST API - Rest API Module ☕
npm i -S
// Common JS
const api = require('').default
// ES6+ and Typescript
import api from ''
- assign port with serverPort field in apiConfig.json
- Runs on this port in production, and this port + 10 by default in development, override with PORT environment variable
- assign cors port (port of your web application) with webPort field in apiConfig.json
- Allows cors on this port in production, and this port + 10 by default in development, override with PORT environment variable
- Uses JSON Web Tokens for verification
- Tokens last 7 days and are refreshed every hour upon api use
- JSON response will contain
{"status": "ok"}
on success, and{"status": "error"}
on error. - JSON response will contain response field with extra data i.e.
{"status": "ok", "response": {"message": "success"}}
- JSON response will contain refresh_token field with refresh token:
{"refresh_token": { username, uid, access_token, expires_in }}
- Routes require JWT to authenticate
- Token can be sent in request with parameter
, in x-access-token header, or in authorization header - No token error:
{ status: 'error', response: { message: 'No token provided.'}}
- Invalid token error:
{ status: 'error', response: { message: 'Invalid token.'}}
- Token can be sent in request with parameter
- Parameters:
username, password
- Success:
{ username, uid, access_token, expires_in }
- Error:
{ messages: ["ERROR_MESSAGE"], codes: ["ERROR_CODE"] }
- Exception:
{ message: "ERROR_MESSAGE", code: "ERROR_CODE", trace: "STACK_TRACE" }
- Parameters:
- Parameters:
username, password, secret_key
- username and password must have at least 8 characters and password must have at least 1 number and 1 special character.
- secret_key is the secret key you set up with the CLI
- This endpoint is self-protecting, after ONE user is added JWT will be required
- Success:
{ username, uid, access_token, expires_in }
- Error:
{ messages: ["ERROR_MESSAGE"], codes: ["ERROR_CODE"] }
- Exception:
{ message: "ERROR_MESSAGE", code: "ERROR_CODE", trace: "STACK_TRACE" }
- Parameters:
- Parameters:
- key must have at least 8 characters, 1 number, and 1 special character
- This endpoint is self-protecting, after ONE user is added JWT will be required
- Success:
- first insert{ n, nModified, ok }
- update after first insert
- Error:
{ messages: ["ERROR_MESSAGE"], codes: ["ERROR_CODE"] }
- Exception:
{ message: "ERROR_MESSAGE", code: "ERROR_CODE", trace: "STACK_TRACE" }
- Parameters:
- JWT Required
- Parameters:
username, current_password, password
- password must have at least 8 characters and must have at least 1 number.
- Success:
{ status: 'ok', response: { message: 'Password updated.'} }
- Error:
{ messages: ["ERROR_MESSAGE"], codes: ["ERROR_CODE"] }
- Exception:
{ message: "ERROR_MESSAGE", code: "ERROR_CODE", trace: "STACK_TRACE" }
- JWT Required
- Parameters:
- Success:
{ status: 'ok', response: { message: 'Token verified.'}
- Error:
{ status: 'error', response: { message: 'No token provided.'}}
- "x" denotes collection name
- I.E. /customer/insert?name=...?
- Inserts record
- Success:
- Error:
{ name: "MongoError", code: 1050 }
x/update, x/push, x/push_unique, x/set
updates record- use field update_primary to change the primary key
pushes comma separated records into list- Records will be placed regardless if there is an existing matching record in the list
pushes unique comma separated records into the list- Only records that do not exist already will be placed in the list
- This WILL NOT delete existing duplicate records
sets list to comma separated records- Primary key required
- Success:
{ n, nModified, ok }
x/delete, x/delete_all
- Deletes single record or all records, primary key required for delete
- Success:
{ n, deletedCount, ok }
- Gets single record
- Parameters: requires model primary key, i.e.
- Success:
- Gets all records
- Params
- sort_field
- Field to sort by
- sort_order
- Sort order, -1 for descending, 1 for ascending
- record_limit
- Number of records to return
- record_count
- Returns document count if true
- skip
- Number of records to skip
- sort_field
- Success:
[{attributes...}, {}...]
- finds records
- param - where
- expects list of objects with attributes field, op, and value
- i.e. [{ field: 'price', op: '$gt', value: 2 }]
- operators
- $eq - equal
- $ne - not equal
- $gt - greater than
- $gte - greater than or equal to
- $lt - less than
- $lte - less than or equal to
- $in - in array
- $nin - not in array
- $strt - starts with string
- $end - ends with string
- $cont - contains string
- $inc - array field includes value
- $ninc - array field does not include value
- expects list of objects with attributes field, op, and value
- param - sort_field
- Field to sort by
- param - sort_order
- Sort order, -1 for descending, 1 for ascending
- param - record_limit
- Number of records to return
- param - record_count
- Returns document count if true
- param - skip
- Number of records to skip
- param - where
- joins collections
- param - from
- collection to join
- param - local_field
- field from local collection to join
- param - foreign_field
- field from foreign collection to join
- param - as
- name to assign the joined field in returned document
- if local field is a list, joined field will return a list
- if local field is not a list, joined field will return an object
- param - from
- finds records
- Gets schema information
- Success:
{ schema: [], primary_key, list_fields: [], encrypt_fields: [], encode_fields: [], subdoc_fields: [] }
- Removes obsolete fields and indexes after updating schema
- Sets value for given field for all documents (useful for updating old documents after adding schema)
- Parameters: field_name corresponds to collection field name
- v2.0.0
- Codebase converted from Coffeescript -> Typescript
- v2.0.2
- Automatic JWT Rotation w/ JWK kid claims
- v2.0.7
- Retrieve document count in get_all and find, lean optimizations