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Croatian translation HR hrvatski (original PR #1955 ) #1687

Croatian translation HR hrvatski (original PR #1955 )

Croatian translation HR hrvatski (original PR #1955 ) #1687

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
branches: [ develop ]
- '*'
branches: [ develop ]
# if: "!contains(toJSON(github.event.commits.*.message), '[skip-ci]')"
if: "github.event_name == 'pull_request' || !contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip ci')"
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest # / ubuntu-18.04 ... or ubuntu-16.04, ubuntu-20.04
# runs-on: macos-latest # / macos-10.15
# runs-on: windows-2016 # not window-latest / windows-2019, see
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: false
os: [windows-latest, macos-latest, ubuntu-20.04]
- os: windows-latest
osname: windows
packname: win
travistag: latest-windows
- os: macos-latest
osname: osx
packname: 'mac:skip-notarize'
travistag: latest-osx
- os: ubuntu-20.04
osname: linux
packname: linux
travistag: latest-linux
TRAVIS_OS_NAME_: ${{ matrix.osname }}
TRAVIS_TAG: ${{ matrix.travistag }}
- run: echo 'TRAVIS_OS_NAME_:' ${{ env.TRAVIS_OS_NAME_ }}
#- run: echo 'TRAVIS_TAG=latest-${{ env.TRAVIS_OS_NAME_ }}' | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
#- run: echo 'TRAVIS_TAG=latest-${{ env.TRAVIS_OS_NAME_ }}' >> $GITHUB_ENV
#- run: echo '::set-env name=TRAVIS_TAG::latest-${{ env.TRAVIS_OS_NAME_ }}'
- run: echo 'TRAVIS_TAG:' ${{ env.TRAVIS_TAG }}
- run: 'echo "GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER: ${{ github.run_number }}"'
- run: 'echo "GITHUB_RUN_ID: ${{ github.run_id }}"'
- run: 'echo "GITHUB_SHA: ${{ github.sha }}"'
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# persist-credentials: false
# - name: Git config global dump (pre)
# run: 'git config --global --list || echo NO_GIT_GLOBAL_CONFIG || true'
# shell: bash
# - name: Git config local dump (pre)
# run: 'git config --list || echo NO_GIT_GLOBAL_CONFIG || true'
# shell: bash
# - name: git HTTP authentication instead SSH (NPM >=7) 1
# run: >
# git config --global url."".insteadOf ssh://
# shell: bash
# - name: git HTTP authentication instead SSH (NPM >=7) 2
# run: >
# git config --global url."".insteadOf ssh://
# shell: bash
# - name: git HTTP authentication instead SSH (NPM >=7) 3
# run: >
# git config --global url."".insteadOf
# shell: bash
# - name: git HTTP authentication instead SSH (NPM >=7) 4
# run: >
# git config --global url."http://".insteadOf git://
# shell: bash
- name: Git config global dump (post)
run: 'git config --global --list || echo NO_GIT_GLOBAL_CONFIG || true'
shell: bash
- name: Git config local dump (post)
run: 'git config --list || echo NO_GIT_GLOBAL_CONFIG || true'
shell: bash
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '18'
#check-latest: true
- run: node --version && npm --version
- run: npm --global install npm@^9
- run: npm --version
# - run: npm --global install asar
- name: package patch 1
run: node scripts/package-ci-patch.js package.json ${{ github.run_id }} && cat package.json | grep -i VERSION && cat package.json
shell: bash
- name: package patch 2
run: node scripts/package-ci-patch.js src/package.json ${{ github.run_id }} && cat src/package.json | grep -i VERSION && cat src/package.json
shell: bash
- name: package lock patch
run: node scripts/package-lock-patch.js && cat package-lock.json | grep -i divina-player-js
shell: bash
- run: git --no-pager diff
- run: npm cache clean --force
- run: npm cache verify
- run: cat package-lock.json | grep -i divina-player-js
- run: npm ci
- name: PR action (just build)
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
run: npm run build:prod
# && npm run test SEE
- name: non-PR action (build and package)
if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
run: npm run package:${{ matrix.packname }}
#- run: ls -alsR release
#- run: npm install @octokit/rest
- name: GitHub Tagged Release Delete/ReCreate and Upload Build Artefacts
if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
run: node scripts/release-github.js
# - name: Upload Artifact
# if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
# with:
# name: Thorium
# path: ./release/*.exe
# - name: Delete Release
# if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
# uses: author/action-rollback@stable
# with:
# tag: $TRAVIS_TAG
# always_delete_tag: true
# - name: GitHub Release
# if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
# id: create_release
# uses: actions/create-release@v1
# with:
# tag_name: $TRAVIS_TAG
# release_name: '[$TRAVIS_TAG] continuous test build (prerelease)'
# body: 'GitHub Action build job: $GITHUB_SERVER_URL/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/actions/runs/$GITHUB_RUN_ID'
# draft: false
# prerelease: true
# - name: GitHub Release Assets
# if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
# id: upload-release-asset
# uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
# with:
# upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}
# asset_path: ./release/*.exe
# asset_name: Thorium.exe
# asset_content_type: application/octet-stream
# - name: GitHub Script Release And Assets
# if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
# env:
# - GH_RELEASE_ID: ${{ }}
# uses: actions/github-script@v2
# with:
# github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# script: |
# console.log('process.versions', process.versions, process.env.GH_RELEASE_ID);
# const fs = require('fs').promises;
# const { repo: { owner, repo }, sha } = context;
# /*
# const release = await github.repos.createRelease({
# name: `[${process.env.TRAVIS_TAG}] continuous test build (prerelease)`,
# body: `GitHub Action build job: ${process.env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/actions/runs/${process.env.GITHUB_RUN_ID}`,
# owner,
# repo,
# tag_name: process.env.TRAVIS_TAG,
# draft: false,
# prerelease: true,
# target_commitish: sha
# });
# */
# for (let file of await fs.readdir('release')) {
# if (!file.endsWith('.exe') || !file.endsWith('.AppImage') || !file.endsWith('.msi') || !file.endsWith('.deb') || !file.endsWith('.dmg')) {
# continue;
# }
# await github.repos.uploadReleaseAsset({
# owner,
# repo,
# release_id: process.env.GH_RELEASE_ID, //,
# name: file,
# data: await fs.readFile(`./release/${file}`)
# });
# }