Code Review from the Subject Engineering Software project, realized in University Fernando Pessoa in 2019.
- 06-09-2023
Implementing the best practical of Clean Code, Design Pattern ,Solid Principal and Unit Testing .
- Develop a web service that supports college tutoring of class's content.
- Students
- Tutors
- Tutors must be able to tutor one or more classes in a given course.
- Tutors must be able to provide the schedule of the tutoring per day in the start-end time format.
- Tutors must be able to provide the available idioms for the tutoring.
- Students must be able to search for tutors. Minimum acceptance criteria: Class Day Time period (start-end time format) Idioms It must be possible to do combinations with the previous filters.
- Students must be able to book a 1h tutoring for a given tutor.
- Tutors must not be able to allow simultaneous bookings.
- The implementation must respect the University model, taking into consideration it's schools, it's courses and respective classes.
- Fase 1: Develop a web service (WS1) that allows to do the system managing:
- Create Tutors
- Update Tutors
- List Tutors
- Create Schools
- Update Schools
- List Schools
- Create Courses
- Update Courses
- List Courses
- Create Classes
- Update Classes
- List Classes
- Book Tutoring
- WS1 should be an instance of a University (Each University has it's own WS)
Minimum Required Endpoints:
POST /explicador
POST /faculdade
POST /curso/{faculdade}
POST /cadeira/{curso}
PUT /explicador/{curso}
PUT /explicador (deverá ser utilizado para definir as disponibilidades do explicador)
GET /explicador
GET /explicador/{nome_explicador}
GET /explicador?curso={curso}&dia={dia}&inicio={hora_inicio}&fim={hora_fim}
POST /atendimento
Fase 2 Develop a web service (WS2) to do searches in the different instances of WS1 (minimum 2): The services offered by WS2 must use the services exposed by the different instances of WS1.
Minimum Required Endpoints:
- POST /explicador/{universidade}
- PUT /explicador (must be used to define tutor schedule)
- PUT /explicador/{universidade}/{curso}
- GET /explicador?curso={curso}&dia={dia}&inicio={hora_inicio}&fim={hora_fim}
- GET /explicador/{universidade}?curso={curso}&dia={dia}&inicio={hora_inicio}&fim={hora_fim}
- POST /atendimento/{universidade}
- 🛠️ Maven v3.6.2
- 📊 JPA (Java Persistence API), Hibernate
- 📦 Flyway Migration (MySQL v8, H2, and MariaDB)
- 📜 Swagger (OpenAPI), Postman
- 🐳 Docker Composer
- 🧪 Integration Testing (JUnit5 and Mockito), Functional Test (Cucumber)
- 🐋 Testcontainers (Docker Container)
- 🚀 Pipeline CI/CD with Github Actions
- 📊 Grafana, Prometheus
- 🔒 Spring Security
This project is licensed under the MIT License.