Challenge to Frontend Developer position at @educacaometodista.
Using only HTML and based on the example file, create an email marketing accessible to all mail box (Outlook, Gmail, Thunderbird Mail, etc).
You can test your email in the PutsMail tool.
The email marketing header is available in assets/header-emkt.jpg, the footer logo is in ./assets/educacao-metodista.png and the content is available in file
Here you're free to use you criativity.
Based on the Educação Metodista patterns, create a Landing Page to sell a 50% discount scholarship.
You can develop a static page with only HTML, CSS and/or JS, or use frameworks like Angular, Vue or React and CSS Preprocessors like SASS/SCSS, just certify yourself that provide a good documentation.
You can check our references at the below links.
- Universidade Metodista de São Paulo
- Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba
- Faculdade Metodista Centenário
- Faculdade Metodista Granbery
- Centro Universitário Metodista IPA
- Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix
- Colégios da Educação Metodista
After should you finish, send us a pull request with your name and contact email.