Help to make this working with latest edumeet is highly appreciated!
Basic ansible script to instal eduMeet in docker based on an openstack base debian image.
You need to have:
- debian/ubuntu base image installed
- global IPv4 address
- dns A record for the ipv4 address
- setup ssh server with sudo
Edit hosts to set host or hosts Edit group_vars/edumeet.yml Rename according your hosts, and Edit host_vars/meet.yml
If you are working for the Education or Research community, then please visit to to get a turn password credential, and edit file group_vars/edumeet.yml accordingly. Otherwise install and configure a turn server (e.g.
For more advanced options see group_vars/all.yml
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts -u debian playbook.yml
This playbook uses ferm as firewall so it might break existing configurations with different firewalls on host (like ufw)!!!