This is the room server service for the Edumeet project. It handles signaling to and from client and media node services.
Make a file called config.json
in the /config
folder. An example configuration file with all properties set to default values can be found here:
Note that if you don't provide a value for tls.cert
and tls.key
the server will start in HTTP mode.
We use geo position based on client ipv4 address when doing load balancing.
If you're running room-server service behind a reverse proxy, you need to forward client ipv4 address in http header x-forwarded-for
As ipv6 is not supported in the library we use for geoip lookup, deploying edumeet using ipv6 is not recommend.
$ yarn install
To run the service you need to have Node.js version 18 or higher installed. Alternatively you can get some debug output by running it like this:
$ DEBUG=edumeet:* yarn start has guidelines for running all eduMEET-components as docker containers.
To build just edumeet-room-server you can use the included ./Dockerfile
here in this repo.
Edit and change password/username to use with management-server in ./Dockerfile
docker build . -t edumeet-room-server
docker run -v $(pwd)/config:/usr/src/app/config -p 8443:8443 -d edumeet-room-server
Name | Description | Format | Default value |
listenPort | Socket port to listen on | "port" |
8443 |
listenHost | Ip/address the server will listen on | "string" | |
tls | TLS configuration for the server | object |
{ "cert": "./certs edumeet-demo-cert.pem", "key": "./certs/edumeet-demo-key.pem"} |
mediaNodes | Array of media nodes to use | array |
[ { "host": "localhost", "port": 3000, "secret": "secret-shared-with-media-node", "latitude": 63.430481, "longitude": 10.394964 } ] |
managementService | Management service configuration | object |
{ "host": "http://localhost:3030", "jwtPublicKeys": [ "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----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\nM/ijCSi/4aqDk2lPSdzG1RsCAwEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n" ] } |