About | Software | Dependecies | Functionalities | Technologies | How to execute | Important links | Author | Suport
The main idea it was, put all my actual knowledge developing a microservice focused on user control.
It includes:
- API (REST / RESTfull);
- Swagger
To run this project, you will need of following tools installed on your machine:
- Create new User
- Read a User
- Update specific User
- Delete specific User
WEB & Postman
👷 How to Execute and Download
- Download the project on your machine.
- Extract the downloaded zip.
- Create a new project from an existing project (Import project).
- After the project loaded in your IDE click with the right button on the project name -> Maven -> Reimport to confirm the necessary imports.
- Click on the top right of your ide (ADD CONFIGURATIONS) -> (+) -> Maven.
- Before execute, you have to make changes into properties file.
- Insert your data base configuration - PostgreSQL.
- In the "Command Line" field add (spring-boot:run) -> Apply -> OK.
- Ready now, just run the program and the server is running on port 8080.
- Ready to access!
- Open your browser into port 8080 ( http://localhost:8080/users )
The app will deployment at Heroku, to access the application click bellow:
- APP -> https://userability.herokuapp.com/users
- Swagger -> https://userability.herokuapp.com/swagger-ui.html
To consume using Postman, use the full URI with correct HTTP Method
- [Method] https://userability.herokuapp.com/users + /resource
- Open the postman
- Import the collection
- In the upper left corner click (Import) -> Choose Files -> Go to where you extracted the project and the select the userability.postman_collection.json file
- Now, select the endpoint you want within the imported collection and click send.
- The endpoint will differente runing local and web, so pay attention.
- Make changes when you are consuming de User API
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Java 16 & Kit
- Spring boot
- Postgre SQL
- Bootstrap 5.1
- Google Icons
- Postman
- Heroku
- Dependencies - Maven
- Edward Moreira
- 🚀 Edward Moreira
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