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Next.js Starter Project


This is a simple starter project for Next.js that consists of basic components I've used over the years for projects. It is not a framework or library, so feel free to fork/download and hack away.

It is built with minimal packages, no complicated state-management library (using React Context API), and minimal styles using precompiled SCSS as scoped page/component level CSS. This makes it pretty easily to drop in your CSS paradigm of choice.

Currently uses Prisma ORM, but I will be replacing with Drizzle at some point. The database is SQLite for simple development, but your choice of database can be easily configured.

Server-side API routes are location in pages/api/*. You can use the API service class to call them, or connect the service class to a headless CMS and forgo server-side routes entirely, if desired.

This project uses class components for React, rather than functional components; meaning you cannot use React hooks with this stucture. Class components are not deprecated, but React is clearly moving in the direction of functional components, so this will be ported at some point.

Likewise, the project will be slowly converted to Typescript, and I have many additional components that I will be generalizing and adding.


Get Started

Requires Node 16+

Set up .env file: .env.example and rename to .env

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run the Prisma migration to set up the default SQLite database:

npx prisma migrate dev

Seed the DB by running:

npx prisma db seed

The schema is located in prisma/schema.prisma and includes Posts, Videos, and Pages. Data is generated using the Faker library and LoremFlickr with the prisma/seed.ts file.

Once the DB is seeded, run:

npm run dev to run on port 3000, or:

npm run dev -- -p PORTNUM to run on the port of your choice.

To run a production build:

npm run build

Install/Run Compass for SCSS

Install Ruby:

gem update --system gem install compass

cd into the project directory and run:

compass watch to watch/compile the scss files.

A global stylesheet is available in sass/global.scss that is included in every view/component. You can use these classes in the traditional way as such:

<div className="className">

You can use scoped classes in a component by importing the compiled CSS file:

import stylesheetName from '../path-to/css-file/stylesheetName.css';

<div className={stylesheetName.className}>

Additionally, you can combine this approach as such:

<div className={`className ${stylesheetName.className}`}>