Xinchejian Swarm Robot project
Build a swarm of robots with autonomus behavior to achieve their goals by interacting with each other using IR communication.
Each basic robot contains the following:
- 1x microcontroller Attiny2313
- 1x motor controller L293D
- 2x gear motors
- 1x LiPo battery 3.7V
- 1x IR sensor + IR emitter
- 1x microfon
A custom made PCB will be used. This PCB will be mounted into a 3D printed casing which contains the gear motors and the wheels as well the IR sensor array.
Maximum price for the basic robot should not exceed 5US$
Each robot will have a basic programming and basic hardware platform. The basic programming is:
- Self protection:
- check your battery status
- find the charging station when battery runs low
- avoid obstacles and other robots
- search for power (sunlight etc.)
- Community (swarm) needs:
- search for building material
- search for dead robots
- bring dead robots to the charging station
- help dead robots with a charger robot
- tell others where to find power (sunlight)
- tell others where is an obstacle or danger
Folder structure:
/kicad kicad schematics and PCB design files
More at the XinCheJian website
//Will be updated...