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Backend service for the NoteLink project.


You're going to need yarn. You can install it by run npm i -g yarn. Is preferred to use node.js v16.13.0 Then, you can run the code:

$ yarn install

Running the app

To run the app locally, first you need to have set up the environment variables and the database. The unique environment file that you need to serve the app without problems is the .env file. Then you can run the following code to start the application:

# development
$ yarn start

# watch mode
$ yarn start:dev

# production mode
$ yarn start:prod


This project was thinking to be very scalable, so it's divided in modules. Each module has its own controllers, services, and other stuffs that are related to it. I use swagger to document the API, so you can check the documentation on the /api route.


  • @nestjs/mapped-types - A package that helps to map and validate types, it works very well with the class-validator dependency.

  • @nestjs/passport - A package that helps to integrate passport with nestjs.

  • @nestjs/swagger - A package that helps to integrate swagger with nestjs and build the API's documentation.

  • @nestjs/typeorm - A package that helps to integrate typeorm with nestjs and manage many databases with one ORM.

  • class-validator - A package that helps to validate the data that comes from the client.

  • class-transformer - A package that helps to transform the data that comes from the client.

  • dotenv - A package that helps to manage the environment variables.

  • passport - A package that helps to manage the authentication.

  • passport-jwt - A package that helps to manage the authentication with jwt.

  • pg - A package that helps to manage the postgres database.

  • helmet - A package that helps to secure the app.

  • firebase-admin - A package that helps to manage the firebase from the server side.


# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov


Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please read more here.

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Nest is MIT licensed.


![](src/assets/img/readme-files/notelink-backend.up.railway.app_api(Full HD).png) ![](src/assets/img/readme-files/notelink-backend.up.railway.app_api(Full HD)-(1).png)


Backend with NestJS fot the NoteLink Project






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