MovieShelf is an Android app that lets users explore and manage their favorite movies. This app offers features like movie search, favorite list management, and watchlist management to provide a complete movie exploration experience.
- Popular Movies: Browse the most popular movies.
- Search Movies: Look for movies by their title.
- Movie Details: See detailed information about a selected movie, including its ratings, release date, overview, and more.
- Favorite Movies: Add or remove movies from your favorites list.
- Watchlist: Add or remove movies from your watchlist.
- Offline Access: Save movie data for offline access.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Open the project in Android Studio.
Build and run the project on an emulator or physical device.
- Browsing Movies: Open the app to see a list of popular movies.
- Searching: Use the search bar to find movies by title.
- Adding to Favorites: Tap the favorite icon on a movie to add it to your favorites list.
- Adding to Watchlist: Tap the watchlist icon to add a movie to your watchlist.
- Viewing Details: Tap on a movie to see detailed information about it.
The app follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture pattern. This helps to keep the code organized and easier to maintain.
- Kotlin: Main programming language.
- Jetpack Components: ViewModel, LiveData, Paging, Navigation.
- Dagger Hilt: Dependency Injection.
- Retrofit: HTTP client for API calls.
- Glide: Image loading and caching library.
- Room: Database for offline storage.
This project uses the The Movie Database (TMDB) API to get movie data. You will need to get an API key from TMDB and add it to your project.
- Author: Emre Güven
- GitHub: eemreguven