A simple discord bot used to gather information from the Dragalia Lost mobile game. It is able to pull up information from the game including adventurers, dragons, wyrmprints, and weapons. It can also query the database it uses to find any of the three with a combination of elements (weapon, element, abilities, etc).
You can search for adventurers, dragons, and wyrmprints with the following command
^(a|d|w|wep) [name]
Where a = adventurers, d = dragons, w = wyrmprints, and wep = weapons. Names are not case sensitive and you can use incomplete names as well. Additionally, if multiple results would be found, the earliest one released in game will be pulled.
Searching for aliases allows for an easy way to search for items without remembering the full name. Out of the box the bot comes with pre-defined names (such as HElly -> Halloween Elisanne)
In addition to searching using an alias, you can also set your own aliases. The command to do so is
^alias [alias_text] [alias_name]
Where the first parameter will be the text you use to search for, and the second parameter will be the object it refers to. Use quotations around text that has spaces. Repeating this command will edit the alias.
You can also delete an alias using the same command but omitting the second parameter:
^alias [alias_text]
Bind levels can now be adjusted using the speaker reactions. The first speaker (with no noise) will denote 0 unbinds
The next speaker will denote 2 unbinds for Adventurers and Wyrmprints. For Dragons and Weapons, this is their max unbind as they only change once when unbinding currently
The final speaker denotes a max unbind for Adventurers and Wyrmprints. Note that when speaking of unbind levels on Adventurers, it refers to their skill and ability levels (where MUB = max skills and max abilities, 2UB = level 2 skills and max abilites, and 0UB = level 1 skills and level 1 abilities)
The megaphone is a special reaction reserved for mana spiral. Only select adventurers can be mana spiralled, and when they can be upgraded like this in the game, then the icon will appear and show their final abilities/skills when clicked.
You can also view the full image of these characters and items using the portrait reaction button.
Wyrmprints include an additional reaction to view the refined version as well.
When pulling up weapons, using the fast foward reaction button you can view the upgrade path this weapon can take, as well as the materials needed.
Additionally, as seen above, there exists a rewind reaction to view where this weapon comes from and the materials needed.
You can use a query function to find adventurers, dragons, wyrmprints, or weapons with specific skills, abilities, rarities, element, weapon, etc.
^query key=value
Key is defined as an attribute (such as element or weapon) where value is the value of the key. Multiple key value pairs can be given. If the value has spaces, surround it with quotes. Below is an example searching for anything with the Bog Res ability at 100% and with an element of wind.
^query ability="Bog Res +100%" element=Wind
A list of items will appear, and the user can specify the number to select the option they want.
For help with any additional commands, please see the help menu using the below command
- If not installed, download Python 3.6 or higher
- Once installed, open a command prompt window or terminal window and type the following to install discord.py and schedule (Note: discord.py v.1.2.5 or higher is needed as this addresses a bug that crashes the bot when adding reactions):
python -m pip install -U discord.py
python -m pip install schedule
- Go to the DiscordApp developers application site and create a New Application
- Name the application anything you'd like
- Note down the Client ID, you can copy this and save it for now
- Select Bot on the left hand side, and create a new bot
- Visit the following URL, replacing the CLIENT_ID in it with the client id you copied down: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=CLIENT_IDscope=bot
- Select the server you want the bot to appear in
- Copy the token from the bot page
- Copy the example config file and rename it: config_example.ini -> config.ini
- Set the TOKEN parameter in the config.ini file
- Optional: Set additional parameters in the config.ini as desired (see below)
- Run the bot using the following command in the command prompt or terminal
python main.py
Emojis are disabled by default in the configuration file. To enable them, a server must exist where the bot can use these emojis (bot must be added to this server). They can be added in the following way:
- Locate the assets folder from the project
- In Discord, have a server where the bot exists (note you can use your current server, but for easier use a new server is recommended as we will populate it with custom emojis for the bot to use)
- Upload the pictures in the assets folder as emojis on the server (Server Settings -> Emoji -> Upload Emoji)
- For each emoji uploaded, generate the unique Discord emoji ID by typing the following in the server (where emoji name is the name of the emoji):
- Take the emoji token (such as <:rarity_2:585203204514381855>) and paste it to the relevant field in the config file (for example, the above token would go to the 2 line in the config file under RarityEmojis)
- Restart the bot or type
For any issues please submit the command entered along with the output from the command prompt or terminal. This will give the full stack trace exception and the command will allow for debugging any particular issues.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.