The Online Exam Platform is a web application that facilitates online examinations. It supports user registration, login, exam participation, result viewing, and includes an admin panel for exam management.
- User Authentication: Secure registration and login using JWT authentication with bcrypt for password hashing.
- Exam Participation: Users can take exams within a set time limit.
- Result Viewing: Users can view their exam results and receive detailed feedback.
- Admin Panel: Admins can manage exams, including adding, removing, or updating exam details and questions.
- Vue.js 3 with TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for custom designs.
- Pinia: State management for Vue.js applications.
- Axios: HTTP client for API requests.
- ASP.NET Core: Framework for modern, cloud-based applications.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for user data, exam details, and results.
- JWT Authentication: Secure user authentication.
- Bcrypt: Password hashing library.
- Node.js and npm
- Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code
- MongoDB (local or remote)
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependecies:
cd frontend
npm install
cd ../examApi
dotnet restore
dotnet run
- Configure MongoDB connection string in appsettings.json.
- Set JWT secret key and your database URL in appsettings.json.
- Access the admin panel with admin credentials.
- Admin credentials can be set in the database or through a registration process with special privileges.
Contributions are welcome! Submit pull requests or open issues for feature requests, bug fixes, or improvements.