This program ecrypts user input and displays all the key possibilities.
- The purpose of this program is to encrypt or decrypt a user's secret message using the Caesar cipher. The user provides a message, a key (which is a number from 0 to 25), and specifies whether they want to encrypt or decrypt the message. The program then applies the Caesar cipher algorithm to the message and returns the resulting message to the user.
Python Programming: I gained experience using the Python programming language to create a functional Caesar Cipher encryption and decryption program. This included learning about Python syntax, data types, conditional statements, loops, and functions.
Cryptography Concepts: Through this project, I gained a deeper understanding of cryptography concepts such as substitution ciphers and encryption/decryption algorithms.
String manipulation: the project requires manipulating strings by finding the index of a character, slicing strings, concatenating strings, and converting between uppercase and lowercase.
User input validation: the project requires validating user input to ensure that the message only contains allowed characters and that the key is within the valid range.
Debugging and Troubleshooting: While working on this project, I honed my problem-solving skills and learned how to debug and troubleshoot errors in my code using various tools and techniques.
Collaboration and Version Control: I gained experience working collaboratively on a coding project, including using version control tools such as Git to manage changes and merge code contributions.
Testing and Quality Assurance: To ensure that my code was working properly and efficiently, I conducted thorough testing and quality assurance checks, including running automated test scripts and manually testing edge cases.
Technical Documentation: I created clear and concise technical documentation for my project, including a README file that explained how to use the program, its purpose and features, and any installation or configuration requirements.
~* Analysis *~
Created 08/21/22
Status: Completed