The Pytorch implementation is ultralytics/yolov5.
this repository is introduced from tensorrtx/yolov5@1.0 and suitable for yolov5-bdd100k
1. generate yolov5s-bdd.wts from pytorch implementation with
git clone
// transform its weights into ''
cd yolov5s_bdd100k/runs/exp0_yolov5s_bdd_prew/weights/
cp [yolov5s_bdd100k主目录下]
cp ./tensorrt/ .
// a file 'yolov5s-bdd.wts' will be generated.(also provided the wts file)
2. put yolov5s-bdd.wts into tensorrt, build and run
mv yolov5s-bdd.wts ./tensorrt/
cd ./tensorrt/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo ./yolov5s -s // serialize model to plan file i.e. 'yolov5s.engine'
sudo ./yolov5s -d ../samples // deserialize plan file and run inference, the images in samples will be processed.
sudo ./yolov5s -d ../exmaple.mp4 //eserialize plan file and run inference with video input
3. check the images generated, as follows.
input image folder = samples
output image folder = outputs
if you would like to find the detection result with txt file, you can change the code in line 228 `bool save_txt = false;`
output deteciton txt information = detection-results(class + conf + center_x + center_y + w + h)
output video result = result.avi
testing mAP in tensorrt with mAP
by move the detection-results into mAP/input/detection-results, and pythons3
For details, see mAP
- Input shape defined in yololayer.h
- Number of classes defined in yololayer.h
- FP16/FP32 can be selected by the macro in yolov5s.cpp
- GPU id can be selected by the macro in yolov5s.cpp
- NMS thresh in yolov5s.cpp
- BBox confidence thresh in yolov5s.cpp
- Batch size in yolov5s.cpp
See the readme in home page.