Say you want to create a qlocktwo clone. Now you have a set of words that you need to layout on a (LED) matrix. What is the ideal layout for your particular set of words? This code will help you find it.
Change the words in core.clj
to your language. Choose the size of
your matrix. Then run the code and pick a layout.
$ lein run
Be aware that this is a complex problem. Depending on your language the search space can be in the billions. For the particular dialect of Swiss German that I’m looking at there are 22992076800 possible solutions.
qlocktwo-words.core> (*
(combo/count-permutations minutes)
(combo/count-permutations prepositions)
(combo/count-permutations hours))
qlocktwo-words.core> (first (layouts words))
[["jetz" "isch"]
["föif" "zää"]
["zwänzg" "ab"]
["vor" "halbi"]
["eis" "zwöi"]
["drü" "vieri"]
["föifi" "sibni"]
["sächsi" "nüni"]
["achti" "zääni"]
["elfi" "zwölfi"]]
Copyright © 2018 Christian Egli
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.