Group Chat is a real time group chat webapp built using modern web technologies. I did this project while learning, Full stack Web Development with Javascript. The design of this project is from one of the challenges at This project also completes all of the user stories of this challenge.
- RESTful API with Express
- API Authentication and Authorization
- Realtime messages using
- Responsive Design
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Install server dependencies
$ cd server
$ npm install
# Install frontend dependencies
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
# goto `server/config/index.js` and update the MONGO_URL constant
# Run the server
$ cd server
$ npm start
# goto `frontend/src/constants/api.js` and update `BASE_URL` to match the server path, and then
# Run the frontend client
$ cd frontend
$ npm start
- LinkedIn ehtishamhassan9
- Twitter @ehtishamhassan9
- GitHub @ehtishama