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wrap_gsl is an Eiffel binding of GSL C API using WrapC tool.

The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a collection of routines for numerical computing.


Download and Install


Download: the file

Place the file in your home directory and unpack the file with the following command:

tar -zxvf gsl-2.6.tar.gz	

This will create a directory called gsl-2.6 in your home directory. Change to this directory.

cd gsl-2.6

Now configure the installation


If there are no errors, compile the library. This step will take several minutes.


Check and test the library before actually installing it.

make check

If there are no errors, go ahead and install the library with:

make install

Rebuild the ldconfig cache using

sudo ldconfig


Using vcpkg ( tool, you can install libgsl library

vcpkg install gsl:x64-windows

SUGGESTION: Use GitBash command prompt for handling everything Git-related. The process described below will generally be performed in this context.

vcpkg notes

Be aware that your vcpkg may not be up-to-date. For example, you may get a warning similar to the one below:

Warning: Different source is available for vcpkg (2020.2.4 -> 2020.6.15). Use .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat to update.

If you get such a warning, you will want to do as the warning suggests: Run the bootstrap-vcpkg.bat from the Gitbash command prompt in the vcpkg directory. When you do, you will see something similar to the following:

$ ./bootstrap-vcpkg.bat

Building vcpkg.exe ...


Building vcpkg.exe... done.

vcpkg collects usage data in order to help us improve your experience.
The data collected by Microsoft is anonymous.
You can opt-out of telemetry by re-running the bootstrap-vcpkg script with -disableMetrics,
passing --disable-metrics to vcpkg on the command line,
or by setting the VCPKG_DISABLE_METRICS environment variable.

Read more about vcpkg telemetry at docs/about/

Now that your vcpkg.exe is up-to-date fully, your vcpkg install command will work as expected.

vcpkg install results

When the vcpkg install gsl:x64-windows command successfully completes, the results can be found in:


The next step is to copy the files gsl.dll, gslcblas.dll, gslcblas.lib and gsl.lib in the "rel" directory (above) to %LIBRARY_PATH%wrap_library/library/C/lib

Where %LIBRARY_PATH% is where you clone/download wrap_gsl source code. On windows if you are using a DLL be sure the DLL is in your PATH when you execute the examples.

NOTE: You will most likely find that the 'lib' directory under your wrap_gsl/library/C does not exist and you will need to create that folder.

post-vcpkg glue code

After successful creation of the .dll and .lib files (above), your last step is to ensure the glue code has been created. These instructions were written on the basis of Microsoft Visual Studio 2019. Because this final step depends on a local C compiler and the example is based on VS-2019, we suggest using the x86_x64_Cross_Tools_Command_Prompt_for_VS_2019 to ensure the MSC compiler is in a properly formed environment.

NOTE: If you have not already created a PATH to the EiffelStudio bin directory with finish_freezing.exe in it, you will want to do so from within the VS-2019 command prompt (above). For example: This example was performed on a Windows 10 box using x64 using EiffelStudio 20.05 Standard (vs GPL), so the temporarily added PATH looks like this:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Eiffel Software\EiffelStudio 20.05 Standard\studio\spec\win64\bin

Once your environment understands where to find finish_freezing, you can now successfully execute it. To do so successfully, you need to be in the correct directory. In this example, we are in the directory shown below and issue the finish_freezing -library command as shown below:

wrap_gsl\library\generated_wrapper\c\src>finish_freezing -library

Part of the resulting execution of finish_freezing will be:

Creating ..\..\..\C\spec\msc_vc140\win64\lib
    copy eif_gsl.lib ..\..\..\C\spec\msc_vc140\win64\lib\eif_gsl.lib
    1 file(s) copied.

The eif_gsl.lib file is required for the Eiffel external features to be able to reach out and use the compiled GSL C API code. You will also find a reference to this file in the wrapc_gsl.ecf Eiffel project file. This is a required dependency and all of the work above has been to get us to this goal.

At this point, you ought to be able to open EiffelStudio and add the wrapc_gsl.ecf using the wrapc_gsl_tests target and successfully compile (or freeze) and then run the version test successfully!


Work in progress.


1D Interpolation Examples

  • Example 1 demonstrates the use of the interpolation and spline functions
  • Example 2 demonstrates a periodic cubic spline with 4 data points
  • Example 3 demonstrates the difference between the cubic spline, Akima, and Steffen interpolation types on a difficult dataset

Basis Splines Examples

  • Example 1 computes a linear least squares fit to data using cubic B-spline basis functions with uniform breakpoints.

How to compile the C library glue code.

Before to use the examples you will need to compile the C glue code, go to


and run

finish_freezing --library

It will copy the C lib eif_gsl.a to $ECF_CONFIG_PATH/C/spec/$(ISE_PLATFORM)/lib/ or eif_gsl.lib to $ECF_CONFIG_PATH/C/spec/$ISE_C_COMPILER/$ISE_PLATFORM/lib


Eiffel binding for GNU GSL C library







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