Project installed at Federal University of São Carlos - Sorocaba, for the following courses Interface Humano Computador (IHC)
and Projeto de Desenvolvimento de Software (PDS)
The system manages computer labs checking its availability and the current status (if it's occurring a class or if it is closed) displaying all computers' status in a laboratory's map. It is possible to report damage computers and create requests to install new software.
HTTP Server
Application responsible to serve the main's page and the dashboard which shows all the information related to laboratories and user's access (using biometric fingerprint).
- Ruby 2.6.3;
- Rails 5.0;
- Bootstrap;
- Fullpage.js;
- PostgreSQL;
Fingerprint Client/Server (/tools/digital_matcher)
Application to enroll fingerprint registration and access. Using with libfprint for Microsoft Fingerprint 1033. Only tested with Ubuntu distribution, but it should works in others Linux environments. [video]
- C++;
- Libfprint;
- JsonCpp;
docker-compose run rails db:create db:seed
docker-compose up --build