For the student of arabic and islamic sciences in general there exist several websites that allow searching and downloading of books. However in my view they lack certain features which I would like to implment in (yet another) DMS, namely:
- Downloading in common formats such as .pdf .doc .txt (Please no .rar and .mdb)
- Extract as much meta-data as possible and allow searching/browsing/ordering on any of the extracted fields
- Tag content with keywords
- Read books online with an easy to use inline reader and allow annotating/bookmarking of content
- Place books on your own virtual shelf/book case
- Share books with others
- Search inside books where the source format allows indexing (non-images)
- read/write reviews of books
- rate books
- Create bookmarks of pages/parts of pages
- Bookmarks may be linked to descriptions of authors and books and other things as well?
- These can then be rated as well so that the best descriptions rise to the top
- Allow bookmarks to be arranged in groups (General, To Read, Research Topic A, ...)
- The project should be sufficiently self-maintaining (crawling certain websites looking for new titles) and documented that any sufficiently knowledgeable IT person can duplicate the entire site and let the software re-download any content and re-index it. User data however would be problematic as that of course.
- ...
Some software packages have been identified as possible starting points for the customizations that my desired list of features would necessitate:
- Wikindx
- Bibsonomy
- Bookreader software from
Both seem to provide very nice web interfaces and overall structure, however neither is complete for the requirements that I have.
Plugins will have to be written to allow adding content from the following websites:
- waqfiyah (Sometimes contains links to & Shamila)
- rapidshare/ 4share (?)
- ( Som Dars-e-Nizami books on
- ...