This is my personal configuration for my favorite openbox window manager and some applications too.
I hope you understand everything here. 😉
Here are some details about my setup:
- WM : Openbox 🎨 2 changable themes!
- DM : SLiM 🎁 login themes like UI Web!
- Shell : zsh 🔧 with oh my zsh framework!
- Terminal : URxvt
- Openbox Menu : obmenu-generator
- Panel : tint2 🍧 material icon font!
- Compositor : Picom
- Notify Daemon : dunst 🔖 minimalist!
- Application Launcher : rofi 🚀 apps & sidebar menu!
- File Manager : Thunar 🌌 customized sidebar & icon!
- Text Editor : Geany, nano, vim
- New scripts:
- Notify-send with more features
E.g replacing previous notification. - Volume and brightness changer with the script above
- OB button location switcher
- Wallpaper changer
- Add border background with shadow in scrot selection mode
New wallpapers (can be added by yourself)
- Openbox (default location of ob button & wallpaper)
Can be changed easily! - Tint2 (new look on eyecandy on the right side)
Add new scripts shortcut for OB button location switcher & wallpaper changer. - GIMP-2.10 (little changes)
- SLiM (font size & location)
- Cava default color (red)
Not using gradients anymore so you can change color with the F key. - Color Toys (bloks)
Like addy-dclxvi style! - Picom
Using picom instead of picom rounded from ibhagwan and sdhand because some devices have memory leak. - Obmenu-generator (new look)
Add new scripts shortcut for OB button location switcher & wallpaper changer. - Ncmcpcpp album art scripts
Linked mpd dir to every ncmpcpp config. - Get brightness scripts
Display percentages well. - Zsh theme (new look)
- Geany
Fix the blind color scheme and plugin. - Sweetly GTK Theme
Fix wrong color hex. - All Papirus Custom Icons
Customize notification icons for volume and brightness. - Clipit - Clipboard Manager
New configuration rules.
- Delete all unnecessary comments on the scripts
Look in the gallery and workflow for more details.
Items | Values |
Audio Volume Control | amixer, pavucontrol |
Brightness Handler | brightnessctl |
Wallpaper Setter | nitrogen |
Power Manager | xfce4-power-manager |
Lockscreen | slimlock (from slim display manager) |
Sessions Locker | xss-lock |
Clipboard Manager | clipit, xclip |
Calendar Pop-up | gsimplecal (for pop-up from tint2) |
Authentication Agent | polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 |
Network Manager | NetworkManager + networkmanager_dmenu |
QT Themer | qt5ct (adapted to the GTK Theme) |
GTK Themer | lxappearance |
Audio Visualizer | cava |
Screenshot App | scrot |
Web Browser | google-chrome-stable |
Image Viewer | viewnior |
Music Player | audacious & spotify + spicetify |
Video Player | mpv |
Graphic Editor | gimp-2.10 |
CLI Music Player | mpd, mpc, ncmpcpp |
CLI File Manager | ranger |
CLI System Monitor | htop |
CLI System Information | neofetch |
- Elenapan
- Adhi Pambudi
- Rizqi Nur Assyaufi
- Fikri Omar
- Muktazam Hasbi Ashidiqi
- Galih Wisnuaji
- Aditya Shakya
- Our local linux community Linuxer Desktop Art and r/unixporn.
- Some people in the forum who provide solutions.
- All artists (especially Kuvshinov Ilya for his work that I show on the Thunar sidebar and his art for neofetch) who make pictures, illustrations, and wallpapers. By the way this is my wallpaper collection.