I am Emre. I am an ML engineer with focus on signal processing at The Rockefeller University. Currently, I work on signal processing of extracellular neural recordings in-vivo.
My Ph.D. studies are mostly related to radar signal processing and human activity recognition with machine learning applications for radar data. Most recent projects I worked duting my Ph.D. include American Sign language (ASL) Recognition utilizing deep learning tools. I worked with signal processing of different RF sensors (TI's IWR1443, AWR1642, AWR2243 coupled with DCA1000EVM, cascaded AWR2243, Infineon's BGT60TR13C, XeThru, Ancortek's SDR Kit), and RGB-D cameras including Kinect v2, Orbbec Astra and most recently Basler.
Some of my works are publicly available here, some will be soon. You can reach out to me on LinkedIn for inquiries!