ELASPIC2 web server
To create a development environment, run the following:
python scripts/meta_to_env.py -f .gitlab/conda/meta.yaml > environment.yaml
mamba env create -f environment.yaml -p .venv/
mamba env update -f environment-dev.yaml -p .venv/
conda activate .venv/
To update the dev environment and the meta.yaml
conda activate .env/
conda update --all
./scripts/env_to_meta.py -f .gitlab/conda/meta.yaml
To start the web server locally, source all environment variables hidden in the
configuration file, and then run the following command.
uvicorn elaspic2_rest_apit_api:app --reload --host
Build a Docker image.
export CONDA_BLD_ARCHIVE_URL="https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/21459617/jobs/artifacts/master/download?job=build" docker build --build-arg CONDA_BLD_ARCHIVE_URL --tag registry.gitlab.com/elaspic/elaspic2-rest-api:latest .gitlab/docker/
Run the built Docker image.
docker run --tty --env-file .env --env HOST_USER_ID=9284 \ --env=GUNICORN_CMD_ARGS="--bind --workers 1" \ registry.gitlab.com/elaspic/elaspic2-rest-api:latest