Improved handling of incorrect or missing password when configuring transcrypt, files with double-quotes in their names, and fixed the --export-gpg
- Warn when password is probably incorrect by returning an error message and return code if repo has dirty files after init (#182)
- Fail with error when an empty password is provided to the -p or --password options (#188)
- Fix handling of double-quotes in encrypted file names (#173)
- Make --upgrade safer by failing fast if transcrypt config cannot be read (#189)
- Fix --export-gpg command to properly include cipher in exported .asc file
Steps to Upgrade
To upgrade transcrypt it is not enough to have a newer version on your system, you must also run the --upgrade
command in each repository:
Check the version of transcrypt on your system:
$ transcrypt --version
Check the version of transcrypt in your Git repository, which may be
different:$ .git/crypt/transcrypt --version
Upgrade the version of transcrypt in your Git repository:
$ transcrypt --upgrade