This is my task requested by batsoft : creating a login interface communicating with a database
First, install the table batsoft.sql in a locally stored database (I used phpmyadmin), or if you want to store it online there is some code to change in the definition of the database l:12 in Main.js .
Then, get in the /back folder and add all the modules!
>cd back
>yarn add all
You can now start the app and go to localhost:3000 to see it for yourself.
(if you wish to change the port, just alter the port const at l:36 in Main.js)
if you alter the front part, remember to yarn build and import the new build file in the back
>yarn start
- try logging in with un/pw of root/root or daniil/rosso or create a new user yourself!
- due to technical problems the requests are on the same localhost as the site so for now please refrain from using the url except to get to '/'
- samely, only one user can be logged in at a time for now