interface gives the ability to any objects to represent them as a string. This library contains the most useful functionality for string manipulation from PHP organized in objects. You can compose them in an elegant way.
Suppose you create some abstraction to execute sql queries:
use ElegantBro\Stringify\Stringify;
interface Connection
public function execute(Stringify $query, array $params): void;
then you can use it like this:
use ElegantBro\Stringify\Just;
// Let's change user's (which id is 10) first name to Jonh
new Just('UPDATE users SET first_name = ? WHERE id = ?'),
['John', 10]
Nothing special in the example above, where is magic?
use ElegantBro\Stringify\Stringify;
use ElegantBro\Stringify\Imploded;
use ElegantBro\Stringify\Joined;
use ElegantBro\Stringify\Just;
use ElegantBro\Stringify\Formatted;
final class UpdateQuery implements Stringify
private $table;
private $fields;
public function __construct(string $table, array $fields)
$this->table = $table;
$this->fields = $fields;
public function asString(): string
(new Joined(
new Formatted(new Just('UPDATE %s SET '), $this->table),
new Imploded(
new Just(' '),
static function (string $field) { return $field.' = ?'; },
Now we can use it easily
new UpdateQuery('users', ['first_name']),
Hey, what about where?!
use ElegantBro\Stringify\Stringify;
use ElegantBro\Stringify\Imploded;
use ElegantBro\Stringify\Joined;
use ElegantBro\Stringify\Just;
final class Where implements Stringify
private $origin;
private $fields;
public function __construct(Stringify $query, array $fields)
$this->origin = $query;
$this->fields = $fields;
public function asString(): string
(new Joined(
new Just(' WHERE '),
new Imploded(
new Just(' '),
static function (string $field) { return $field.' = ?'; },
Thats it
new Where(
new UpdateQuery('users', ['first_name']),
['John', 10]
This is a very simple example, but it reflects the common idea. By this approach, you can create some kind of query builder but in an elegant declarative way.
Pass all tests locally before creating the pull a request.
Build the test container and run all tests
make all
Other commands
# build the Dockerfile
make build
# install composer requirements
make install
# enter the container shell
make shell
# style check
make style-check
# run unit tests
make unit
# ensure coverage is 100%
make coverage