Possiblibility to add a write query for the write master where we would add it to the database later on inspired by the system design architecture where we get most of the functionality in place for a good applciation to scale:
/transfers {customerId}
/loan/create { }
/transactions/create { type, source, }
- write-entity (ex: transfer) needs to implement a worker
- task-queue
- worker
- write-back is still a mystery? how do you perform write back from write-async
register() process()
| ...fields: | status enum: - added - queued - completed
- user |> request-time-consuming-task | queue(job_id, type) |> update(user.task.queued)
- queue |> worker.pulls(job, type) | process | output |> update(user.task.completed)
sets up the local use of cloud-sdk with your user on the gcloud project
docker run -ti --name gcloud-config google/cloud-sdk gcloud init
gcloud beta emulators pubsub start --project=${PROJECT_ID}
./gcloud/python-pubsub/python publisher.py ${PROJECT_ID} create ${TOPIC_ID}
./gcloud/python-pubsub/python subscriber.py ${PROJECT_ID} create topic ${SUB_ID}