A super awesome program to help you learn to code
- Problem solving
- Software Engineering
- Web Development
- NOT a job guarantee program
- NOT a certification program
- ...
- Understanding your environment
- Your second brain
- The Text editor
- Keyboard is your best friend
- Let's go full hacker mode w/ command line
- Version control is magical
- Docker
- What is the web
- The client-server architecture
- Intro to HTML
- Intro to CSS
- The Box Model
- Text and Fonts
- Colors and gradients
- Layouts
- Responsive Design
- Let's start with your portfolio
- Lets build a music player
- Intro to JavaScript
- Variables
- Control flo0w
- Functions
- The Event Loop
- Web APIs
- Let's make the music player functional
- Arrays and objects in js
- Let's make the playlist feature work
- The Web Storage APIs
- Forms
- Let's build a note taking app
- Promises and Async Programming
- HTTP and The Fetch API
- Intro Node JS
- Building your first server
- Dependencies and
- A server framework
- Let's build a contacts list app
- File Uploads
- Rate Limiting
- What and why
- What are my options
- Sqlite
- MariaDB
- Postgres
- SQL is awesome
- Relations and joins
- MongoDB is fine too
- Connecting a node app to a database
- Prisma
- Let's use a database for our contact list app
- Users and sessions
- JSON web tokens
- Authorization
- Role based access control
- Let's make the contacts list app secure (We'll do that in all the frameworks 🙂)
- why
- Bundlers and the js ecosystem
- Single Page Applications
- what are the options
- Svelte
- Rewrite the apps in
- React
- Now rewrite again in
- Routing in Svelte and React
- Why
- Astro
- Server Side Rendering
- SvelteKit
- NextJS