Simple system for hot-reloading C++ classes in order to sketch ideas and algorithms. It's quite naive, in that it just starts your program again and doesn't save variables. Also, at the moment, it only works for one class at a time.
(Mac only for now) Here's a video playlist on YouTube for how to use it: It has no dependencies - everything is included in here. (except if you want to run the audio example, see below)
The best documentation is the 3 minute video on youtube here:
cd to examples/simple and type:
cmake -Bbuild -GNinja
cmake --build build --config Release
type ./simple
- now you can edit MyLiveApp.h live.
(there's a 2 minute video tutorial of how to do this here:
To compile this example, do the following
to the cppsketch repository- type
git submodule init
followed bygit submodule update
- this gets the rtAudio cd examples/audio
- follow instructions for "how to compile" above
To run it, type ./audio
- now you can edit MyLiveAudio.h live, and every time you save it should update.
Please see the readme in the examples/openFrameworks directory to see how to do that, or go here for an addon (probably easier)
At the moment, only the simple and audio examples work. You may need to install libasound2-dev. You can do this by typing sudo apt install libasound2-dev