This repository provides scripts to capture 3D human pose using Mediapipe Pose and retarget it onto Pepper and Nao robots using the NAOqi SDK. It works alongside the receiver and uses parts of the code for retargeting and socket communication from this repository.
To install, use a Python 3.8 environment and do
pip install -r requirements.txt
To analyze a video and visualize the resulting joint angles, do:
python --video VIDEOFILE --fps 10 --plot_angle_trace
To teleoperate Pepper from video, start
from this fork of the original code (within Python 2.7), and then execute
python --video VIDEOFILE --fps 10 --enable_teleop
To teleoperate Pepper from webcam, use
python --enable_teleop
Mediapipe Landmark mapping (source).
OpenPose to Mediapipe Body Mapping
body_mapping = {'0': "Nose", -> 0
'1': "Neck", -? 11+12
'2': "RShoulder", -> 12
'3': "RElbow", -> 14
'4': "RWrist", -> 16
'5': "LShoulder", -> 11
'6': "LElbow", -> 13
'7': "LWrist", -> 15
'8': "MidHip" -> 23+24}
- Fix hip movement
- Write qiBullet simulation part