- Simple AWS infrastructure developed for teaching purposes @Wavestone.
- This project is meant to be a learning tool when learning Infrastructure as Code and Architecting with AWS @Wavestone
- The goal of this infrastructure is to SSH an EC2 instance
To run this project, you'll need to install Terraform.
Terraform configuration to deploy the insfrastructure, including:
- Network: 1 VPC, 1 subnet, 1 internet gateway, 1 route table and route table association
- Compute: 1 EC2 with default EBS storage settings and 1 Security Group associated
- Security/ IAM : 1 IAM Role / Instance Profile
/!\ Remember to configure terraform.tvars and the AWS backend with your own credentials
Contributions are very welcome! If you find a bug or some improvements, feel free to raise an issue and send a PR.
- El Ghali BENCHEKROUN - elghali97
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details