- install Nodejs;
- install or run an instance database relational(SQL) PostgresDB as a container(recommended) on Docker (ENG) | Docker (PT-BR);
- install or run an instance of database no-relational(NoSQL) MongoDB as a container(recommended) on Docker (ENG) or Docker (PT-BR);
- inst... no no no... run an instance data store structured(key/value) Redis as a container(can be the Redis-Alpine version) on Docker (ENG) | Docker (PT-BR);
- Sign up for mail notification and get keys to configure your send of notifications(.env);
- Sign up for reporting errors to get DSN key for set in your configuration (.env);
- I think that's just it. ;D
Optional: install yarn (recommended) or use npm
Steps for working
clone or get .zip of this project.
within folder of project, create archive .env and set all configurations like on archive .env.example.
- obs: database PostgresDB; Mail for tests; handler exceptions with
yet within folder of project, run on terminal: yarn (for downloading of packages/dependencies).
yet on terminal, run: yarn dev | and in another terminal, run: yarn queue.
just enjoy! [I recommended use Insomnia(OpenSource Project) for tests of endpoint].