The purpose of this project is to communicate with ChatGPT.
The program transcribes your voice into text and sends it to ChatGPT through an API.
The response from ChatGPT is then transformed back into speech.
Create a virtual environment using python -m venv ./my_venv
Activate the virtual environment using .\my_venv\Scripts\activate
(for Windows)
or source ./my_venv/bin/activate
(for Linux/Mac).
Install the required packages using pip install -r requirements.txt
Put your API-KEY in the .env
run this command: python ./
This project uses the OpenAI API to generate chatbot responses.
To learn more about OpenAI, visit their website:
It also uses the following libraries:
for speech recognition
for text-to-speech conversion
To learn more about these libraries, please visit their respective websites.
To learn more about these libraries, please visit their respective websites.
The API uses the entire chat history to generate the next message every time.
The API returns only the next message, so we must keep the history of messages ourselves if we want to implement a longer interaction.
Each message is a chat interaction:
: to specify the contextuser
: the message I sentassistant
: the model's response (for in-context-learning, we can provide them)