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nicpappler edited this page May 26, 2021 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the wg-medical-devices wiki!


This working group started as a group that wanted to analyse the usage of Linux as a component in an actual, safety relevant device. That activity started with using the openAPS project which lead to having a deeper look into safety relevant and open source projects in the medical world. So mainly our goals are:

  • Analysing an actual use case of Linux used in a safety critical device to identify how it is exactly used (and use this as a starting point of qualification)
  • Identification of kernel components used by the analysed medical system
  • Create input that the architecture work group could use for their work
  • Identify already existing methods or standards that allow the integration of pre-existing open source software into safety critical medical devices (SOUP approach acc. to IEC62304)

This working group started as a domain independent group for the analysis of the linux-in-an-embedded-safety-critical-system use case, but with starting the analysis of open source ventilators, the group was re-named to "Medical Devices".

Where to get started...

The best way to start will be to follow our first footsteps to quickly catch up with us along the way.

Help needed ....

We could do with a little help! This is a multi-disciplinary topic, so all that can contribute from an embedded systems, medical, functional safety, kernel, safety analysis, ... perspective! Generally we are busy with the following tasks:

  • the level 3 analysis of openAPS
  • the tracing of the openAPS workload to discover Linux kernel subsystems used by openAPS
  • review of all work done so far
  • analysis of the open source ventilators
  • moving our documents from google docs/spreadsheets to GitHub

The most needed support is currently needed at:

  • Getting more feedback/reviewers
    • openAPS reviewers
    • STPA reviewers
    • Linux developer feedback (Plumbers?)
  • Moving spreadsheet analysis into github to open for wider review and discussion
  • Comparison of results to other existing medical standards (considering IEC 60601 - clause 14)
  • Identification of focus person with enough bandwidth to drive Open Source Ventilator, like we’ve got with OpenAPS

Meet us!

For everybody interested, we meet each Wednesday, 11:00am to 12:00pm (UTC-05:00) America/Chicago time.

Contact us at


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