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TMD how‐to guide

olisand edited this page Jan 27, 2025 · 15 revisions

This guide is intended to assist ELIXIR Training Coordinators in navigating and using the ELIXIR Training Metrics Database.

Section A - Upload Data

Prepare metrics files

NB! Make sure the delimiter used is comma.

Upload event metrics data

All events are created by uploading a csv file with the data, even if you are only registering a single event.

  • Click on ‘Upload data’ in the top menu.
  • Choose the file you want to upload in the Events section.
  • Click the dark green ‘Upload’ button.
  • On successful upload, a message with the number of events created will be shown.
  • After creating a new event, check its automatically attributed code in the 'Browse events' tab and rename the other metrics files by appending that code at the end of the file name, separated by '-' (for instance: quality_demographics-9999.csv).

Upload short term feedback data associated with a training event (demographic and quality metrics)

  • Click on ‘Browse events’ in the top menu.
  • Click on ‘Upload metrics’ in the second column of the table at the row corresponding to the event you want to upload metrics for.
  • Choose the file you want to upload in the Demographic and quality metrics section.
  • Click the dark green ‘Upload’ button.
  • On successful upload, a message will be shown.

Upload more short term feedback data to events that already have feedback data associated with them

Upload additional short term feedback data in the same way as outlined in Section A, point 3 above. Any newly uploaded data will be added to the dataset of feedback responses for that event. Newly added data will not override data that is already associated with the event. If you would like to know how to delete data, see ‘SECTION C’ below.

Upload long term feedback data (impact metrics)

  • Click on ‘Browse events’ in the top menu.
  • Click on ‘Upload metrics’ in the second column of the table at the row corresponding to the event you want to upload metrics for.
  • Choose the file you want to upload in the Impact metrics section.
  • Click the dark green ‘Upload’ button.
  • On successful upload, a message will be shown.

Section B - Viewing training events and associated data

Via metrics tabs 'Event metrics', 'Demographic metrics', 'Quality metrics' and 'Impact metrics'

  • Click on the desired metrics tab on the navigation menu
  • Explore the metrics through tables and charts that you can filter based on event dates, types and funding, target audience and additional platforms involved
  • You can also restrict to you node events with a dedicated switch 'Node Only'
  • Export events and feedback data using the relevant ‘Export’ buttons.

Via ‘All events’

  • Click on the ‘All events’ tab on the navigation menu to view a table containing all ELIXIR Training events.
  • Filter and export events based on events dates, type and funding, target audience and additional platform involved. Please note: associated feedback data cannot be viewed on ‘All events’.
  • You can also restrict to you node events with a dedicated switch 'Node Only'

Section C - Editing and Deleting Data

You will only be able to edit and/or delete information for events for which your Node is the main organiser. A Node is the main organiser for a particular event if that event was created by that particular Node’s account on the Training Metrics Database.

To edit an event record

  • Click on ‘Browse events’ in the top menu.
  • Click on ‘Edit’ in the first column of the table at the row corresponding to the event you want to edit.
  • If you don't find your event easily, you might click on the ‘Node only’ button to reduce the number of events printed on screen.
  • Edit/add relevant details
  • Scroll down and click ‘Update’

To delete an event record

  • Please note that any feedback data associated with an event will also be deleted if the event record itself is deleted. Deleting an event and any associated data is an irreversible action.
  • On Dashboard, ‘Node specific info’ view, click on the ‘dustbin’ icon in the column labeled ‘Edit/ delete event details’
  • You will be asked to confirm whether you would like to delete the event.

To delete metrics data

  • Click on ‘Browse events’ in the top menu.
  • Click on ‘Edit’ in the first column of the table at the row corresponding to the event you want to delete metrics for.
  • If you don't find your event easily, you might click on the ‘Node only’ button to reduce the number of events printed on screen.
  • Scroll down and click the ‘Delete...’ button corresponding to the metrics you want to delete (demographic, quality or impact).
  • On Dashboard, ‘Node specific info’ view, click on the dustbin icon in the 'Upload/delete metrics data' column.
  • Click on the data that you would like to delete (i.e. short term feedback (quality and impact metrics) or long term feedback (impact metrics)).

Section D - Viewing, Creating, and Exporting Reports

Events report

  • Click on the 'All events' tab in the navigation bar to view and print reports for your Node ('Node Only' switch) and for ELIXIR Training overall.
  • Click on the 'Export' button above the list of events if you need a csv export of the data.

Metrics reports

  • Click on the tab corresponding to the metrics you want a report on.
  • Use the 'Node Only' switch if this is what you want.
  • Click on the 'Export' buttons above the tables if you need csv exports of their data.