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add: numba_multipole backend
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Johannes Steinmetzer committed Sep 5, 2024
1 parent 8897a1f commit 87eb381
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Showing 3 changed files with 335 additions and 10 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pysisyphus/wavefunction/
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Expand Up @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ def get_1el_ints_cart(
org_components = components
components = max(1, components)
symmetric = shells_b == None
symmetric = shells_b is None
if symmetric:
shells_b = shells_a

Expand Down
298 changes: 298 additions & 0 deletions pysisyphus/wavefunction/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
import numba
import numpy as np

# Le, components
"int1e_ovlp": (0, 0),
"int1e_r": (1, 3),
"int1e_rr": (2, 9),

def get_func_data(key):
# Le, components
return _FUNC_DATA[key]

@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def canonical_order(L: int) -> np.ndarray:
inds = np.zeros(((L + 2) * (L + 1) // 2, 3), dtype=np.int64)
i = 0
for j in range(L + 1):
l = L - j
for n in range(j + 1):
m = j - n
inds[i] = (l, m, n)
i += 1
return inds

@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def factorial2(n: int) -> int:
"""Double factorial for positive integer arguments and 0 and -1."""
if n == -1:
return 1
offset = n % 2
result = 1
for i in range(2 + offset, n + 1, 2):
result *= i
return result

@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def lmn_factors(l: int, m: int, n: int) -> float:
return 1 / np.sqrt(
factorial2(2 * l - 1) * factorial2(2 * m - 1) * factorial2(2 * n - 1)

@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def multipole1d_(i, j, e, px, pa, pb, pr, base):
"""1d-multipole integral."""
# Base case
if (i < 0) or (j < 0) or (e < 0) or ((i == 0) and (j == 0) and (e == 0)):
# return np.sqrt(np.pi / px)
return base
# Decrement bra
elif i > 0:
return pa * multipole1d(i - 1, j, e, px, pa, pb, pr, base) + 1 / (2 * px) * (
(i - 1) * multipole1d(i - 2, j, e, px, pa, pb, pr, base)
+ j * multipole1d(i - 1, j - 1, e, px, pa, pb, pr, base)
+ e * multipole1d(i - 1, j, e - 1, px, pa, pb, pr, base)
# Decrement ket
elif j > 0:
return pb * multipole1d(i, j - 1, e, px, pa, pb, pr, base) + 1 / (2 * px) * (
i * multipole1d(i - 1, j - 1, e, px, pa, pb, pr, base)
+ (j - 1) * multipole1d(i, j - 2, e, px, pa, pb, pr, base)
+ e * multipole1d(i, j - 1, e - 1, px, pa, pb, pr, base)
# Decrement multipole order
# e > 0
return pr * multipole1d(i, j, e - 1, px, pa, pb, pr, base) + 1 / (2 * px) * (
i * multipole1d(i - 1, j, e - 1, px, pa, pb, pr, base)
+ j * multipole1d(i, j - 1, e - 1, px, pa, pb, pr, base)
+ (e - 1) * multipole1d(i, j, e - 2, px, pa, pb, pr, base)

@numba.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True)
def multipole1d(i, j, e, px, pa, pb, pr, base):
"""1d-multipole integral."""

def vrr(i, j, e):
return multipole1d(i, j, e, px, pa, pb, pr, base)

# Base case
if (i < 0) or (j < 0) or (e < 0) or ((i == 0) and (j == 0) and (e == 0)):
# return np.sqrt(np.pi / px)
return base
# Decrement bra
elif i > 0:
return pa * vrr(i - 1, j, e) + 1 / (2 * px) * (
(i - 1) * vrr(i - 2, j, e)
+ j * vrr(i - 1, j - 1, e)
+ e * vrr(i - 1, j, e - 1)
# Decrement ket
elif j > 0:
return pb * vrr(i, j - 1, e) + 1 / (2 * px) * (
i * vrr(i - 1, j - 1, e)
+ (j - 1) * vrr(i, j - 2, e)
+ e * vrr(i, j - 1, e - 1)
# Decrement multipole order
# e > 0
return pr * vrr(i, j, e - 1) + 1 / (2 * px) * (
i * vrr(i - 1, j, e - 1)
+ j * vrr(i, j - 1, e - 1)
+ (e - 1) * vrr(i, j, e - 2)

@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True, nogil=True, fastmath=True)
def multipole3d(La, Lb, Le, axs, das, A, bxs, dbs, B, R, exp_thresh=-36.0):
"""3d-multipole integral."""
# Angular momenta of the different shells
lmns_a = canonical_order(La)
lmns_b = canonical_order(Lb)
lmns_e = canonical_order(Le)
na = len(lmns_a)
nb = len(lmns_b)
ne = len(lmns_e)
# Final integrals
integrals = np.zeros((na, nb, ne))

# Construct angular momenta dependent normalization factors. Actually they
# should be precalculated somehow.
lmn_norms = np.zeros((na, nb))
for i in range(na):
la, ma, na_ = lmns_a[i]
flmna = lmn_factors(la, ma, na_)
for j in range(nb):
lb, mb, nb_ = lmns_b[j]
lmn_norms[i, j] = flmna * lmn_factors(lb, mb, nb_)

# Number of primitives in bra and ket
nprimsa = len(axs)
nprimsb = len(bxs)
AB = A - B
AB2 = AB**2
AB2sum = AB2.sum()

# Determine most diffuse exponent pair in both shells and calulcate
# the associated exp-argument. When this is already very small then
# we skip the whole shell pair.
ax_min = axs.min()
bx_min = bxs.min()
min_exp_arg = -(ax_min * bx_min) / (ax_min + bx_min) * AB2sum
if min_exp_arg <= exp_thresh:
return integrals

# Loop over pairs of primitives
for a in range(nprimsa):
ax = axs[a]
da = das[a]
for b in range(nprimsb):
bx = bxs[b]
dadb = da * dbs[b]

px = ax + bx
mux = ax * bx / px
exp_arg = -mux * AB2sum
# Skip primitive pair when exp-argument is very small
if exp_arg <= exp_thresh:
K = np.exp(exp_arg)
P = (ax * A + bx * B) / px
PA = P - A
PB = P - B
PR = P - R
base = np.sqrt(np.pi / px)
# Loop over triples of angular momenta
for i in range(na):
lmna = lmns_a[i]
for j in range(nb):
lmnb = lmns_b[j]
for k in range(ne):
lmne = lmns_e[k]
# Build up x-, y- and z-terms
tmp = 1.0
for m in range(3):
tmp *= multipole1d(
lmna[m], lmnb[m], lmne[m], px, PA[m], PB[m], PR[m], base
integrals[i, j, k] += dadb * K * tmp

# Apply lmn-dependent basis function normalization
for i in range(na):
for j in range(nb):
integrals[i, j] *= lmn_norms[i, j]
return integrals

@numba.jit(parallel=True, nopython=True, cache=True)
def get_multipole_ints_cart_numba(
components = 2 * Le + 1

tot_size_a = 0
for shell in shells_a:
tot_size_a += shell.size

tot_size_b = 0
for shell in shells_b:
tot_size_b += shell.size

# Allocate final integral array
integrals = np.zeros((tot_size_a, tot_size_b, components))
shells_b = shells_a
nshells_a = len(shells_a)
nshells_b = len(shells_b)

# Start parallel loop over contracted gaussians in shells_a
for i in numba.prange(nshells_a):
shell_a = shells_a[i]
La, A, _, das, axs, indexa, sizea = shell_a.as_tuple()
slicea = slice(indexa, indexa + sizea)

# Start loop over contracted gaussians in shells_b
if not symmetric:
i = 0
for j in range(i, nshells_b):
shell_b = shells_b[j]
Lb, B, _, dbs, bxs, indexb, sizeb = shell_b.as_tuple()
sliceb = slice(indexb, indexb + sizeb)

result = multipole3d(La, Lb, Le, axs, das, A, bxs, dbs, B, R)
integrals[slicea, sliceb, :] = result

if symmetric and (i != j):
for k in range(indexa, indexa + sizea):
for l in range(indexb, indexb + sizeb):
integrals[l, k, :] = integrals[k, l, :]
# End loop over contracted gaussians in shells_b
# End loop over contracted gaussians in shells_a
return integrals

def get_multipole_ints_cart(
Le: int,
R: np.ndarray,
symmetric = shellstructs_b is None
if symmetric:
shellstructs_b = shellstructs_a

integrals = get_multipole_ints_cart_numba(
if integrals.shape[2] == 1:
integrals = np.squeeze(integrals, axis=2)
return integrals

def get_1el_ints_cart(shells, func_dict, shells_b, **kwargs):
R = kwargs.get("R", np.zeros(3))
Le = func_dict
return get_multipole_ints_cart(Le, R, shells, shells_b)

def get_multipole_ints_sph(Le: int, R: np.ndarray, shells_a, shells_b=None):
"""This function expects pysisyphus.Shells not Shellstructs"""
shellstructs_a = shells_a.numba_shellstructs
if shells_b is not None:
shellstructs_b = shells_b.numba_shellstructs
shellstructs_b = shellstructs_a

integrals_cart = get_multipole_ints_cart(Le, R, shellstructs_a, shellstructs_b)

c2s_coeffs_a = shells_a.reorder_c2s_coeffs
if shells_b is not None:
c2s_coeffs_b = shells_b.reorder_c2s_coeffs
c2s_coeffs_b = c2s_coeffs_a

int_matrix_sph = np.einsum(
return int_matrix_sph

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