This is a sample application to help developers start building Java applications using the Gateway Java SDK.
- Java 8
- Maven
- Registered account with MPGS Gateway system
- You can authenticate in one of two ways:
- Using your API key and password (available from the merchant portal). To do this, see instructions below. The following fields are required for password authentication: merchant ID, API password, currency, and gateway base URL.
- Using a certificate, which can be downloaded from the merchant portal. To do this, see instructions here.
Download code
Run mvn clean install
Set the environment variables
On Mac/Linux: Use the
command:prompt> export GATEWAY_MERCHANT_ID=YOUR_MERCHANT_ID prompt> export GATEWAY_API_PASSWORD=YOUR_API_PASSWORD prompt> export GATEWAY_BASE_URL=YOUR_GATEWAY_BASE_URL prompt> export GATEWAY_CURRENCY=YOUR_CURRENCY (optional - default is USD) prompt> export GATEWAY_VERSION=YOUR_VERSION (optional - default is version 45)
On Windows, use the
command:prompt> set GATEWAY_MERCHANT_ID=YOUR_MERCHANT_ID prompt> set GATEWAY_API_PASSWORD=YOUR_API_PASSWORD prompt> set GATEWAY_BASE_URL=YOUR_GATEWAY_BASE_URL prompt> set GATEWAY_CURRENCY=YOUR_CURRENCY (optional - default is USD) prompt> set GATEWAY_VERSION=YOUR_VERSION (optional - default is version 45)
Run the following:
java -jar target/gateway-java-sample-code-1.0.jar
Navigate to http://localhost:5000 to test locally
This software is intended for TEST/REFERENCE purposes ONLY and is not intended to be used in a production environment.