Flap-tastrophe is a Flappy Bird clone built with Java and the LibGDX framework. This project was born out of curiosity and a desire to explore new tools, LibGDX being one I hadn't worked with before.
- Download the Windows build from the Releases section
- Extract the zip file to your preferred location
- Double-click 'desktop.exe' to start the game
- Download the Linux build from the Releases section
- Extract the zip file to your desired directory
- Open a terminal and navigate to the '/bin/' directory within the extracted files
- Make 'desktop' executable by running 'chmod +x desktop'
- Execute './desktop/' to launch the game
- SPACE / LMB - Flap
- Difficulty Scaling: Implement a dynamic difficulty system that ramps up the challenge as your score increases
- Death Animation: Add a touch of drama with an animation when the player runs into a pipe
- Code Optimization: Clean up the code to follow the DRY principle, so there's less repitition and more efficiency.