This repository aims to organize all the possible C Beginner Exam questions/solutions/traces based on levels. If there's no solution for a particular question, at least, you would know at which level to expect the question.
- only_a
- only_z
- aff_first_param
- hello
- ft_print_numbers
- ft_countdown
- rot_13
- first_word
- repeat_alpha
- rev_print
- maff_revalpha
- last_word
- ft_strdup
- union
- snake_to_camel
- camel_to_snake
- inter
- ft_swap
- ft_range
- tab_mult
- expand_str
- hidenp
- ft_rrange
- fprime
- ft_atoi
- ft_itoa
- ft_split
- rostring
- rev_wstr
- sort_int_tab
- sort_list
- ft_list_foreach
- ft_list_remove
- ft_list_remove_if
- flood_fill
- brainfuck
- print_memory
- check_mate
- ft_atoi_base
- ft_itoa_base
- brackets
- rpn_calc
- options
- count_alpha
- ord_alphlong
- str_maxlenoc