This is the version of my Libft library that I am going to be constantly modifying as I progress through the 42 curriculum.
It might end up being completely different compared to what was originally required in the Libft Project
In this part I will list and describe new functions that I have included in this library since the original Libft Library
I have added the ft_lstpop
function which just adds some more functionality to the original ft_lstdelone
and ft_lstdel
functions. It removes one element of the linked list t_list **elem
and points the next pointer of the previous element to the one that follows the elem.
void ft_lstpop(t_list **alst, t_list **elem, void (*del)(void *, size_t));
is a function that returns a line ending with a newline, read from a file descriptor
int get_next_line(const int fd, char **line)
is a function that converts the string argument str (base N <= 16) to an integer (base 10) and returns it.
int ft_atoi_base(const char *str, int str_base)