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Linux distribution on a virtual machine, prepared to host web applications, install updates and secure it from a number of attack vectors.

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Linux distribution on a virtual machine, prepared to host web applications, install updates and securing it from a number of attack vectors.

This Project is in fulfilment of the Project 5 Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program. It deploys Project 3 "Item Catalog - Movie Collection App" on the virtual machine, and is reacheable under the AWS - server at

Note : By the time you are viewing this page, and trying to access the website via the IP links, the website might be off the live server. Take note. However, the process to achieve the same result, is still in tact below. Good luck!.

This Project is managed by Ellis Enobun

Project Access

IP address

SSH Port


Web Application URL

Project Overview

I configured a secured remote virtual machine to host a databse server, and web appllications which are data driven. This was accomplished through a provided Linux distribution by Udacity, and an installed Apache2 server to serve Python Flask application that connects to PostgresSQL database.

Result: Unregistered user page, running on public_page Registered user can edit or delete data entry. Page running on private_page

Installed Packages

Package Name Description
finger: Displays an easy to read information about a user
apache2 HTTP Server
libapache2-mod-wsgi hosts Python applications on Apache2 server
ntp Synchronizes time over a network
postgresql Postgresql Database server
git Version control system tools
python-setuptools An easy-install package to facilitate installing Python packages
sqlalchemy ORM and SQL tools for Python
flask Microframework for web applications
python-psycopg2 PostgreSQL adapter for Python
oauth2 Authorization framework for third-party login (Google and Facebook)
google-api-python-client Google API for OAuth login
fail2ban Protection against suspicious site activity by IP banning
Glances Application monitor for host bugs

Configuration Summary

  • Setup Virtual Machine and SSH into the server.
  • A new system user grader was created with permission to sudo.
  • All cuurently installed packages were updated and upgraded.
  • CRON tasks added to update and upgrade installed packages.
  • Changed SSH Port from 22 to 2200 and configure SSH access.
  • Configured UFWto only allow incoming connections for SSH(Port:2200), HTTP(Port:80) and NTP(Port:123).
  • Configured local Time Zone to UTC.
  • Installed and configure Apache to serve a Python mod_wsgi application.
  • Installed Git and Setup Environment for delopying Flask Application.
  • Install and configure PostgreSQL with default settings to not allow remote connection.
  • Created a new user catalog, added user to PostgreSQL databse with limited permissions to catalog application database.
  • Get OAUTH-LOGINS (Google+ and Facebook) working.
  • Installed and Configured Fail2ban intrusion protection that bans suspicious IPs.

Project Step By Step Walkthrough:

A - Development Environment: Setup Virtual Machine and SSH into the server

Reference: Udacity

  1. Hit "Create new development environment".

  2. Take note of your Public IP address, and download private key at the bottom.

  3. Move the private key file into ~/.ssh folder with this command in Terminal:

    $ mv ~/Downloads/udacity_key.rsa ~/.ssh

    where ~ is your environment's home directory). If you downloaded the file to the downloads folder, just execute the above command in your terminal.

  4. Allow owner the right to "read" and "write" the file:

    $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/udacity_key.rsa
  5. SSH into the instance:

    $ ssh -i ~/.ssh/udacity_key.rsa  root@YOUR-PUBLIC-IP-ADDRESS 

B - User Management: Create a new user with the permission to sudo.

Reference: DigitalOcean

Note: In some cases, you would have to use the sudo commnand to be able to perform some functions depending on the administrative priviledge of your local computer.

  1. Create a new user: grader:

    root@ip-10-20-30-101:~# adduser grader

    OPTIONAL: You can confirm that the new user has been created by installing finger.

    root@ip-10-20-30-10:~# apt-get install finger
    root@ip-10-20-30-10:~# finger grader
  2. Give the new user sudo permission:

    (a) - Open sudoer configuration using visudo command:

        root@ip-10-20-30-10:~# visudo

    A nano editor will open up. scroll down to the line that reads:

    	root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

    (b) - Below that line, add the new user: grader like so:

        root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
        grader ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

    Save changes by pressing ctrl+x, y then Enter key.

    (c.) - You can list all the users present root.

        root@ip-10-20-30-10:~# cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd

C - Update and upgrade currently installed package

  1. Update all available packages: This will provide a list of packages to be upgraded.

     root@ip-10-20-30-10:~# sudo apt-get update
  2. Upgrade packages to newrer versions:

    root@ip-10-20-30-10:~# sudo apt-get upgrade
  3. Add CRON script to manage update and upgrade installed packages.

    (a) - Install unattended-upgrade packages:

        root@ip-10-20-30-10:~# sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades

    (b) - Enable the unattended-upgrade packages:

       root@ip-10-20-30-10:~# sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades

D - Change SSH Port from 22 to 2200 and Configure SSH access:

Reference :Ask Ubuntu

  1. Change the SSH configuration file:

    (a) - Access the config file using nano editor:

        root@ip-10-20-30-10:~# nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    while in the nano editor:

    (b) - Change Port 22 to Port 2200.

    (c.) - Change PermitRootLogin without-password to PermitRootLogin no

    (d) - Change PasswordAuthentication no to PasswordAuthentication yes. This is temporal.

    (e) - At the end of the file, add UseDNS no and AllowUsers grader. This will allow grader SSH login access.

    (f) - Exit nano editor: ctrl+x, y then enter, and Restart SSH service for changes.

    root@ip-10-20-30-10:~# sudo service ssh restart

    Now you can connect to grader from local Machine using :

    YOUR LOCAL MACHINE:~$ ssh grader@ -p 2200
  2. Create a SSH Key Pair:

    (a) - Switch to your local machine by using the exit command:

    root@ip-10-20-30-10:~# exit

    Now enter this command to generate a SSH key pair.

     YOUR LOCAL MACHINE:~$ ssh-keygen

    Now you are asked to give a filename for the key pair. You are presented with something like this: /Users/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa . You can change the id_rsa to whatever filename you want. In my case, I used the default filemname (id_rsa). But note that this is the default directory that key pairs should exist. So that filename should be kept safe.

    You will also be prompted to enter a passphrase which will prevent unauthroized access to the files.

    Now you will see two files. Assuming you used the default id_rsa, you will see that ssh-keygen has generated id_rsa (private_key) and (public_key) file. The file will be placed on the server. Note: The key contained in the id_rsafile, which is your private key, must be kept safe. This is the key you should give to allow access to your files.

    (b) - Switch to the remote server as grader and create a directory called .ssh

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ mkdir .ssh

    Create a new file within the .ssh directory called authorized_keys. A special file that will store the public keys.

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ touch .ssh/authorized_keys

    (c.) - Switch back to your Local Machine, and copy the contents of

    YOUR LOCAL MACHINE:~$ sudo cat ~/.ssh/

    (d) - Switch back to your Remote Server, edit authorized_keys file and paste the content of inside. Save file.

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo nano .ssh/authorized_keys

    (e) - Set specific file permission on SSH and authorized_keys directories:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ chmod 700 .ssh
    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ chmod 644 .ssh/authorized_keys

    (f) - SSHD Configuration:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    Change the `PasswordAuthentication yes` to `PasswordAuthentication no`

    To remove the sudo: unable to resolve host... warning after using sudo, follow these steps:

    • Open sudo nano /etc/hostname.

    • You will see something like this ip-10-20-25-101. Copy that

    • open sudo nano /etc/hosts and on the first line, append the hostname right before localhost like so: ip-10-20-25-101 localhost

    You can also simplify your SSH login. Instead of having to type a long ssh login command: $ ssh grader@ -p 2200, you can simply type in $ grader to quickly connect to your Server. Here is how to do it:

    • Navigate to your .bash_aliases file from your local computer:

      YOUR LOCAL COMPUTER:~$ sudo nano ~/.bash_aliases
    • Add your SSH path like so:

      alias grader='sudo ssh grader@ -p 2200'
    • Save the file: ctrl+x, y then enter, and restart the aliases file:

      YOUR LOCAL CMOPUTER:~$ source ~/.bash_aliases
    • Now you can simply do this to enter your Server:

      YOUR LOCAL COMPUTER:~$ grader

    To handle the message: System restart required... after login:

    • List all the packages causing the reboot:

      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ cat /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs
    • List all high security issues:

      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ xargs aptitude changelog < /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs | grep urgency=high
    • reboot your system if necessary: sudo shutdown -r now

E - Configure UFW to only allow incoming connections for SSH(Port:2200), HTTP(Port:80) and NTP(Port:123).

  1. Check the status of UFW. Make sure it is inactive:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo ufw status
  2. Deny all incoming connections as default so that we can allow the ones we need.

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo ufw default deny incoming
  3. Allow incoming TCP connection on SSH(Port:2200), HTTP(Port:80), NTP(Port:123)

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo ufw allow 2200/tcp
    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo ufw allow 123/udp
  4. Enable the firewall:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo ufw enable

F - Configure local Time Zone to UTC

Reference: Ubuntu

  1. Open Timezone selection dialog:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
  2. Choose and type None of the above, then choose UTC.

  3. Setup ntp daemon to improve time sync:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo apt-get install ntp

G - Install and Configure Apache to serve a Python mod_wsgi application.

  1. Install Apache web Server:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo apt-get install apache2
  2. In your browser (Chrome preferably), type in your public ip address:, and it should return - It works! Ubuntu page.

  3. Install mod_wsgi, and python-setuptools helper package. This will serve Python apps from Apache:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools libapache2-mod-wsgi

    If you are getting the libapache2-mod error, do this:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo apt-get remove --purge libapache2-mod-wsgi

    Now, install libapache2-mod-wsgi again.

  4. Configure Apache to handle requests using the WSGI module

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo nano cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

    Add the following line: WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/html/myapp.wsgi at the end of the <VirtualHost *:80> block, right before the closing </VirtualHost>. Now save and quit the nano editor.

    Restart Apache: sudo apache2ctl restart

  5. Create the myapp.wsgi file that was added to the deafult-conf file: (You can skip this step if you want. We just want to test that apache has been rightly configured to read python files.)

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo nano /var/www/html/myapp.wsgi

    You can test the app by adding the following script in the opened nano editor to be sure that apache has been rightly configured to recognize python applications:

    def application(environ, start_response):
        status = '200 ok'
        output = 'Hello World - Its Working'
        response_headers=[('content-type','text/plain'),('content-length', str(len(output)))]
        start_response(status, response_headers)
        return [output]

    After you save the file, refresh/reload your browser and you should see Hello World - Its working. This same method will be used for our Catalog app configuration process.

  6. Restart Apache server to load mod_wsgi.

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo service apache2 restart
  7. To remove the message: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name...:

    (a) - Create an Apache config file with the domain name:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ echo "ServerName" | sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf-available/fqdn.conf

    (b) - Enable the file:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo a2enconf fqdn

H - Install Git and Setup Environment for delopying Flask Application.

Reference: Github

  1. Install Git:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo apt-get install git

    You can set up your name and email address for the commits to your account.

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ git config --global "YOUR NAME"
    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ git config --global "YOUR EAMIL"
  2. Setup process for delopying Flask application: Reference: DigitalOcean

    (a) - Add additional Python package to enable Apache serve Flask applications:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi python-dev

    (b) - Enable mod_wsgi if it is not enabled already:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo a2enmod wsgi

    (c.) - Navigate to the www directory:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ cd /var/www
    • Setup a directory folder. You can call it Catalog: This will hold our app,

      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www$ sudo mkdir Catalog
    • cd Catalog and make another directory called catalog.

      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www$ cd Catalog
      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog$ sudo mkdir catalog
    • cd catalog and make a directory called static templates

      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog$ cd catalog
      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo mkdir static templates
    • Inside catalog folder, create a flask applicaion logic file called through the nano editor: Note is written with double underscore like so: _\_\init\_\

      grader@ip-10-20-25-175:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo nano
    • Inside the nano editor, paste this code:

      from flask import Flask
      app = Flask(__name__)
      def hello():
          return "Hello, Catalog app coming up soon!"
      if __name__ == "__main__":

      You can use ls or ls -al to view the content of your file path.

      Next we will test our Python Flask file:

  3. Flask Installation and Virtual Environment configuration:

    (a) - Install pip (good practice)

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo apt-get install python-pip

    (b) - Install virtual environment (virtualenv):

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo pip install virtualenv

    You can set the virtual environment name to a shorter name. e.g venv

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo virtualenv venv

    If you are getting the Error: locale.Error... reponse, do this:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ export LC_ALL = C
    • Enable all permissions for the new virtual environment venv. By doing so, sudo would not be used inside the environment.

      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo chmod -R 777 venv
    • Now activate the Virtual Environment:

      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ source venv/bin/activate
       You  will see this:
      (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$
    • Inside the Virtual Environment, install Flask

      (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ /var/www/Catalog/catalog$ pip install Flask
    • Run the file (our python test app)

      (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ python
    • If everything is ok, it will run alright.

    • Deactivate the Virtual environment:

      (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ deactivate
  4. Configure and Enable a New Virtual Host that will house our .wsgi file we are to create, just like we did while testing our myapp.wsgi file.

    (a) - Create vitual host config file:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/catalog.conf
    • In the newly created catalog.conf file, paste in the following lines of code.

      <VirtualHost *:80>
          ServerAdmin admin@
          WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/Catalog/catalog.wsgi
          <Directory /var/www/Catalog/catalog/>
              Order allow,deny
              Allow from all
          Alias /static /var/www/Catalog/catalog/static
          <Directory /var/www/Catalog/catalog/static/>
              Order allow,deny
              Allow from all
          ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
          LogLevel warn
          CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
    • Enable the Virtual Host.

      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo a2ensite catalog.wsgi         

    (b) - Create the catalog.wsgi file that was defined in the host.

    • Go back to the Catalog folder:

      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ cd /var/www/Catalog
    • Create the catalog.wsgi file, using the nano editor:

      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~/var/www/Catalog$ sudo nano catalog.wsgi
    • Paste the following code inside the catalog.wsgi file

      import sys
      import logging
      from catalog import app as application
      application.secret_key = 'Add your secret key'

      Note: The catalog.wsgi file, looks into the path /var/www/Catalog/catalog for a python file that executes your cloned project 3 file placed in the /catalog folder ( we will be doing this next). That file contains the app = Flask(__name__) expression. If The application that runs your python code is called, and contains that Flask expression, then using from catalog import app... is the correct syntax. But if your file that runs your python application is, and it contains the Flask expression, then it would be proper to do this:

      import sys
      import logging
      from __init__ import app as application
      application.secret_key = 'Add your secret key'

      In a nutshell, app must be imported from whatever application that exeutes your python code. I figured this out the hard way.

    • Restart Apache:

      grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog$ sudo service apache2 restart 
  5. Clone Your (Project 3 - Item Catalog) respository

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog$ git clone
  6. Move all the contents of your cloned respository directory into /var/www/Catalog/catalog, and delete empty directory.

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog$ mv Item-Catalog-Movie-Collection-App-/* /var/Catalog/catalog
  7. Render your respository inaccessible:

    (a) - Create a .htaccess file:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog$ sudo nano .htaccess

    (b) - Add this to the opened nano .htaccess file : RedirectMatch 404 /\.git

  8. Install all the neeeded packages and modules for python.

    (a) - FIrst activate your virtual environment:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ source venv/bin/activate

    (b) - Install all these packages:

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo pip install Flask
    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ pip install httplib2
    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ pip install requests
    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo pip install flask-seasurf
    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2
    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo pip install oauth2client
    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo pip install sqlalchemy

    Restart apache: sudo apache2ctl restart.

I - Install and configure PostgreSQL with default settings to not allow remote Connection:

Reference: DigitalOcean

  1. Install the PostgreSQL database:

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
  2. Ensure that no remote connections are allowed. It should be default.

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo nano /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
  3. Open your project 3 file:

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo nano
  4. Effect these changes:

    (a) - Go to the line that have this syntax:

    engine = create_engine('sqlite:///YOUR-DATABASE-NAME.db')

    (b) - Change the above syntax to a Postgresql database engine like so.

    engine = create_engine('postgresql://catalog:DB-PASSWORD@localhost/catalog')

    you should put down a password where you have DB-PASSWORD. Make sure you rememebr the password because you will need it later.

    Also, effect the above changes in your main file. I.e the python file you execute to run your project. In my projec 3, my python execution file is

    (c.) - Rename your (mine was, to

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ mv

    Note: If you make that change above, make sure your 'catalog.wsgi` file reflects this change. It should read like so:

    import sys
    import logging
    from __init__ import app as application
    application.secret_key = 'Add your secret key'

    If you did not make the above changes, then catalog.wsgi should have whatever in your project 3 file that contains your app = Flask(__name__) so that it can be imported as application in the catalog.wsgi file.

J - Create a new user: catalog, add user to PostgreSQL databse with limited permissions to catalog application database.

  1. Create a user catalog for psql:

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo adduser catalog
    choose a password for that user.
  2. Change to the default user Postgres

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo su - postgres

    Connect to the postgres system:

    postgres@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ psql

    You see this:

    psql (9.3.12)
    Type "help" for help.
  3. Add the postgres user: catalog and setup users parameters.

    (a) - Create user catalog with a login role and password


    Note : The DB-PASSWORD, should be the same password you used to create the postgresql engine in your file.

    (b) - Allow the user catalog to be able to create databse tables

    postgres=# ALTER USER catalog CREATEDB;

    You can list the roles available in postgres, and their attribute:

    postgres=# \du
  4. Create a new database called catalog for the user: catalog:

    postgres=# CREATE DATABASE catalog WITH OWNER catalog;
  5. Connect to the database:

    postgres=# \c catalog
  6. Revoke all rights on the database schema, and grant access to catalog only.

    catalog=# REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM public;
    catalog=# GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO catalog;

    Exit Postgresql and postgres user:

    postgres=# \q
    postgres@ip-10-20-30-101~$ exit
  7. Create Postgresql database schema:

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ python

    We can check that it worked. After you run, Go back to your postgres schema, and connect to catalog database.

    postgres@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ psql
    psql (9.3.12)
    Type "help" for help.
    postgres=# \c catalog

    When you conect to the catalog database, you can view all the relations created by your python command.

    catalog=# \dt
             List of relations
     Schema |    Name    | Type  |  Owner  
     public | collection | table | catalog
     public | movie      | table | catalog
     public | user       | table | catalog
     (3 rows)

    Now exit postgres, and return to Virtual environment.

  8. Restart Apache:

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo service apache2 restart

    In your browser, put in your PUBLIC-IP-ADDRESS : If you follwed the steps accordingly, Your applciation should come up.

    If you are getting Internal server error, You can access the Apache error log file. To view the last 30 lines in the error log,

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo tail -30 /var/log/apache2/error.log

K - Get OAUTH-LOGINS (Google+ and Facebook) working.

  1. To fix the google: g_client_secrets.json error, go to the login session of your application, to these sections:

    app_token = json.loads(
    open('g_client_secret.json', 'r').read())['web']['client_id']
    oauth_flow:flow_from_clientsecrets('g_client_secret.json', scope='')

    Add /var/www/Catalog/catalog to your code path.:

    app_token = json.loads(
    open(r'/var/www/Catalog/catalog/g_client_secret.json', 'r').read())['web']['client_id']
    oauth_flow:flow_from_clientsecrets('/var/www/Catalog/catalog/g_client_secret.json', scope='')

    Do the same thing for the fb_client_secret.json file. This is to enable apache locate the file through the proper path.

    If you are

  2. Go to to recieve the Host Name for your PUBLIC-IP-ADDRESS. The Host Name for mine :, is

  3. Open Apache catalog.conf file.

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/catalog.conf
  4. Paste this in the nano editor for catalog.conf: ServerAlias

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAdmin admin@
        WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/Catalog/catalog.wsgi
        <Directory /var/www/Catalog/catalog/>
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
        Alias /static /var/www/Catalog/catalog/static
        <Directory /var/www/Catalog/catalog/static/>
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
  5. Enable virtual host - catalog.conf

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo a2ensite catalog
  6. To get Google+ authorization working, do this:

    (a) - On the Developer Console:, select your Project.

    (b) - Navigate to Credentials, and edit your OAuth 2.0 client IDs like so:


  7. To get Facebook authorization working, do this:

    (a) - Go to Facebook developers page: ` and select your app.

    (b) - Go to settings and fill in your PUBLIC-IP-ADDRESS like so:

    facebook oauth

  8. You can install Monitor application:

    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo apt-get install python-pip build-essential python-dev
    (venv) grader@ip-10-20-30-101:/var/www/Catalog/catalog$ sudo pip install Glancers

L - Install and Configured Fail2ban intrusion protection that bans suspicious IPs.

Reference: DigitalOcean

  1. Install Fail2ban application:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo apt-get install fail2ban
  2. Copy the default config file

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
  3. Open jail.local and change the followinf default parameters:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
  4. Set the following parameters:

    set bantime = 1600
    action = %(action_mwl)s
    under [ssh] change port = 2200
  5. Stop the service:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo service fail2ban stop
  6. Start the service again:

    grader@ip-10-20-30-101:~$ sudo service fail2ban start


Restart apache2 server, run your app on amazonaws.


Linux distribution on a virtual machine, prepared to host web applications, install updates and secure it from a number of attack vectors.






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