Hosting a K8S cluster at home is annoying. This repo contains different tools/part to deploy charts on k8s cluster + doing some automation using ansible Tecks:
- Task
- helm
- ansible
- vendir
- ytt
$ pip install ansible
Modify the hosts file to include the target hosts' information and group them appropriately.
Customize the variables in group_vars/ or host_vars/ directory as per your deployment requirements.
Running the Playbook:
ansible-playbook infra-setup.yaml -i hosts
We use task automation to get helm charts, configure them, overrite certain values or add k8s objects to specific chart. The repo is composed on config folder where we use vendir to get the upstream charts, the charts directory where we overrite the values yaml file and also deploy other specific objects. The folder structure inside the charts directory for each deployment should contains a folder called k8s if an object should be added.
The taskfile conatins these steps:
- delete_chart: Delete chart
- deploy: Deploy a Helm chart
- deploy_chart: Deploy a Helm chart
- deploy_custom: deploy custom k8s resources
- generate_and_sync: Generate and sync files using vendir and ytt
- remove_namespace: remove namespace
- uninstall: uninstall a Helm chart
- upgrade: Deploy a Helm chart
- upgrade_chart: upgrading an existing chart ${CHART_NAME}/${CHART_NAME}
- validate_chart: Validate a Helm chart
Use the vendir.ytt.yaml file to add a helm chart that will be deployed
- name: openebs
name: openebs
version: 3.7.0
then use task file as follow:
task generate_and_sync
To modify the helm values create a folder inside the charts
directory with the same name as the upstream chart downloaded in the config
directory and create the values.yaml
Deploy the chart using:
CHART_NAME=<chart_directory_name> DEFAULT=<chart_base_name> task deploy
CHART_NAME=hashicorp DEFAULT=hashicorp/vault task deploy
To remove or upgrade a chart use:
CHART_NAME=kube-prometheus-stack DEFAULT=prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack task upgrade
CHART_NAME=kube-prometheus-stack DEFAULT=prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack task uninstall
''' CHART_NAME=keycloak DEFAULT=bitnami/keycloak task upgrade_chart CHART_NAME=keycloak DEFAULT=bitnami/keycloak task deploy '''
''' CHART_NAME=openebs DEFAULT=openebs/openebs task deploy '''
''' CHART_NAME=hashicorp DEFAULT=hashicorp/vault task deploy CHART_NAME=hashicorp DEFAULT=hashicorp/vault task uninstall '''
''' CHART_NAME=metallb-system DEFAULT=metallb/metallb task deploy '''
CHART_NAME=cert-manager DEFAULT=cert-manager/cert-manager task deploy
CHART_NAME=ingress-nginx DEFAULT=ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx task deploy
CHART_NAME=gitlab DEFAULT=gitlab/gitlab task deploy
CHART_NAME=minio DEFAULT=bitnami/minio task deploy
CHART_NAME=postgresql DEFAULT=bitnami/postgresql task deploy
CHART_NAME=semaphore DEFAULT=semaphore-light/semaphore task deploy