- https://www.npmjs.com/package/argparse
- https://medium.com/@jaredpotter1/connecting-puppeteer-to-existing-chrome-window-8a10828149e0
- ws://localhost:9222/devtools/browser/41a0b5f0–6747–446a-91b6–5ba30c87e951
const cli = meow(`
$ twitch <cmd>
list live
list vods
list clips
--pretty Print the list in a nicer format, when available.
$ twitch list live --pretty
// @ts-ignore
flags: {
url: {
type: "string",
alias: 'u',
default: DEFAULT_URL,
isMultiple: false,
isRequired: true
remoteDebug: {
type: "boolean",
alias: "r",
isRequired: false
// const scriptResponse = await client.send('Runtime.runScript', {
// scriptId: 'figma-scraper',
// awaitPromise: true,
// })
// minimize
// await client.send('Browser.setWindowBounds', {windowId, bounds: {windowState: 'minimized'}});
// intercept(page, urrns, transform)
// browser.on('targetcreated', async (target) => {
// const page = await target.page()
// console.log('TAGET CREATED, INTERCEPT?', page)
// })
// in page eval
const scriptEl = document.createElement('script')
scriptEl.id = 'figma-scraper'
scriptEl.innerHTML = `console.log('figma',figma)`
const scripts = body.querySelectorAll('script')
const s = document.querySelector('#figma-scraper')
console.log(scriptEl.innerHTML, s?.innerHTML)
// Puppeteer browser create instead of connect
// headless:false,
// defaultViewport:null,
// devtools: true,
// args: ['--window-size=1920,1170','--window-position=0,0']
const requestCache = new Map();
const urlPatterns = [
function transform(source) {
return prettier.format(source, {parser:'babel'});
async function intercept(page, patterns, transform) {
const client = await page.target().createCDPSession();
await client.send('Network.enable');
await client.send('Network.setRequestInterception', {
patterns: patterns.map(pattern => ({
urlPattern: pattern, resourceType: 'Script', interceptionStage: 'HeadersReceived'
client.on('Network.requestIntercepted', async ({ interceptionId, request, responseHeaders, resourceType }) => {
console.log(`Intercepted ${request.url} {interception id: ${interceptionId}}`);
const response = await client.send('Network.getResponseBodyForInterception',{ interceptionId });
const contentTypeHeader = Object.keys(responseHeaders).find(k => k.toLowerCase() === 'content-type');
// @ts-ignore
let newBody, contentType = responseHeaders[contentTypeHeader];
if (requestCache.has(response.body)) {
newBody = requestCache.get(response.body);
} else {
const bodyData = response.base64Encoded ? atob(response.body) : response.body;
try {
if (resourceType === 'Script') newBody = transform(bodyData, { parser: 'babel' });
else newBody === bodyData
} catch(e) {
console.log(`Failed to process ${request.url} {interception id: ${interceptionId}}: ${e}`);
newBody = bodyData
requestCache.set(response.body, newBody);
const newHeaders = [
'Date: ' + (new Date()).toUTCString(),
'Connection: closed',
'Content-Length: ' + newBody.length,
'Content-Type: ' + contentType
console.log(`Continuing interception ${interceptionId}`)
client.send('Network.continueInterceptedRequest', {
rawResponse: btoa('HTTP/1.1 200 OK' + '\r\n' + newHeaders.join('\r\n') + '\r\n\r\n' + newBody)