This project demonstrates the implementation of password security techniques in Python, including password hashing with salts and a simulation of dictionary attacks on hashed passwords. It's designed as an educational tool to understand the basics of password hashing and the effectiveness of dictionary attacks in breaching password security.
: A script that simulates the process of creating a hashed password with a salt. It takes a username and password and stores them in a hashed format inpasswords.txt
: A script that simulates a dictionary attack on the hashed passwords stored inpasswords.txt
, using a wordlist provided indizionario.txt
To run this project, you need Python installed on your system. Clone the repository to your local machine using:
[git clone ](
- Run
to generate hashed passwords:
- Run
to attempt a dictionary attack on the hashed passwords:
The dictionary.txt was created using Crunch, a wordlist generator based on specific patterns. The file was generated by a user on the web, and in case you want to create a custom set, Crunch can generate all the possible combinations of a provided character set, be it numbers, letters, or symbols, within a specified minimum and maximum length.
Dictionary file can be found here , it needs to be installed manually since it was too big to uplaod it on Github
This project is for educational purposes only. Please use the information and code responsibly and ethically.